Lack of AUs

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Ight, we need to talk again

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Ight, we need to talk again. Barely any AUs exist and only like very few authors do them and they grow insanely popular. As much as I always like the main story plot, it gets SUPER tiring reading over manga/anime lines.

Like 90% of the Itadori Yuji fanfics on here is people copying the manga/anime and inserting their oc/reader. Super fucking tired of reading the same lines. Can also be said with hidden inventory Gojo fanfics where people just copy and paste the manga plot with their OC inserted.

Please just do a college/high school AU so I'm not cringing every time I have to read a fanfic with the exact same lines and plot from the anime/manga. We lack interactions between the reader/oc and the character you're pairing with. So I grow bored of these pretty quick.

I think many would actually agree with this

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I think many would actually agree with this. I made the same part in the Naruto rant book where the plots just canon the entire manga/anime without changing anything.

Change the plot a bit with your AUs. If the character dies in the manga/anime example Junpei, Toji, Nanami etc just change their endings and make them live. Actually way more interesting then reading something we already know. No one will complain about it, I'll give you that. Put a disclaiming "what if Nanami never died that day" and say it's slight AU but in the same universe.

Wallahi it's more interesting and I'd read it.

Ight peace for now

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Ight peace for now.

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