Chapter 21 - Ethan Under 'Gaze'!

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Chapter 21 - Ethan Under 'Gaze'!

Walking along the bustling streets, surrounded by various vendors calling out their wares, Ethan thoroughly enjoyed this moment, free from the pressures of survival, not having to hustle for money every day.

This feeling made him extremely content with his new life.

Before transmigration, Ethan had always lived under high pressure.

During his school days, he worked hard for his studies, with countless days and nights spent on piles of homework and textbooks for crucial exams like the middle school and high school entrance exams.

After entering university, things eased up a bit, the pressure wasn't as intense, but he still had to strive for various certificates, as they were crucial for his future employment.

After graduation, after many struggles, he joined a moderately sized company.

For the sake of money, he worked tirelessly every day.

Although it seemed like he didn't earn much throughout the year, every single day of the 365 days felt like an endless loop.

After all, as a man, the pressure and burden on his shoulders were too heavy, especially with the things needed for marriage—cars, houses, money—each one felt like a mountain pressing down on him.

After arriving in this world, all those pressures disappeared, replaced by a more primitive need.

To survive, to ensure he wouldn't be thrown out of the inn today, for today's meal, he had to engage in a life-to-death battle against monsters in the dungeon.

Now, all those pressures are gone.

Suddenly relieved of his burdens, Ethan's mood became much lighter, especially this feeling of new-found 'freedom', which truly captivated him.


Suddenly, Ethan felt something was off.

It seemed like someone had been 'staring' at him all along.

At first, Ethan didn't pay much attention.

After all, Orario was so big, and there were so many people coming and going out of the streets; it was normal for someone to look at him now and then.

However, some time had passed, and this 'gaze' hadn't disappeared; instead, it persisted.

This made Ethan somewhat wary because, in the past, inside the dungeon, he had been ambushed by other adventurers several times, nearly losing his life.

This was the first lesson the 'cruel reality' had taught Ethan; this world is not an anime.

Behind its bustling exterior lay countless shadows of darkness, unknown to most.



"Lady Freya, some little mice in the dark seem to be targeting Ethan."

On a high platform in Orario, Freya sat, her gaze fixed on the streets below.

Beside her, Ottar stood guard.

"Well, are you worried about him?"

Freya looked at Ottar with some surprise and amusement.

After all, she had Ottar by her side not only for his strength but also for his absolute loyalty.

Compared to others, Ottar was the most reliable, never causing trouble or starting a conflict.

If it were someone else in Freya Familia, Ethan would have probably been threatened or even punished by now.

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