Chapter 75: The Goddess's Attitude!

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Chapter 75: The Goddess's Attitude!

Ritual? Killing Stone?

Let's not talk about the ritual, but Freya probably knows about the Killing Stone.

The Killing Stone is a type of stone able to seal the soul and magic of a renard.

It is considered a taboo magic item that allows other people to possess and cast the magic of the sacrificed renard.

If the Killing Stone is broken into multiple pieces, then the person who possesses the fragments will be able to cast the said magic.

Combining what Ethan had just mentioned about the 'renard', the so-called ritual is likely a ritual to sacrifice this renard.

Once the ritual is completed, the Killing Stone will seal the soul and magic of the sacrificed renard.

When the time comes to break the Killing Stone, each fragment will act as a 'temporary level-up item'.

"I see, they're planning something like that~"

Now that things have reached this point, Freya naturally understands everything.

However, even if Ishtar were to succeed, Freya does not believe she would pose any threat to her.

Freya Familia, apart from Ottar, who is Lv7, has several other members who are Lv6, not to mention many who are Lv5.

Even if all members of Ishtar's Familia were to rise by one level, Freya does not believe Ishtar would be able to defeat her.

"So, by using the 'Pass Parade' as an excuse to apply to the Guild for a 'War Game' and forcing Ishtar to hand over this renard, that's your plan, right?"

"Her magic can temporarily level up anyone. Could it be that Freya-sama, you don't feel tempted?"

To say she is not tempted is a lie. After all, no one would not be tempted by such a magic.

Moreover, Ethan's plan had a high rate of success, and, taking a step back, Ishtar is just a mere sidekick, and Freya has never paid attention to her.

Even without this 'excuse', what if she just sent someone from her Familia to kidnap the renard secretly?

Can Ishtar really afford to fight with her Familia?

Freya looked at Ethan and smiled.

She was not an indecisive character, so if she wanted something, she would just go and grab it, not to mention that now someone had already prepared everything for her.

This was the benefit of joining a strong faction.

When the unexpected happened, bad things could turn into good things.

After sending Freya away, Ethan poured a cup of water.

By now, he was almost completely awake and had no desire to continue sleeping.

At this time, he remembered a reward from yesterday's draw that he had almost forgotten.

[Gem/Jewel Magic]

In "Fate", the magecraft passed on by the Tohsaka family is also a type of magecraft cast through the medium of 'jewels'.

Jewels are said to be able to act as "prisons that stop flow", easily accumulating and storing the thoughts of their owners.

Among the jewels of the world, there are those that have spent years underground having contact with Nature Spirits and have been stained with their power, allowing them to act as a simplified type of Magic Crest when filled with Magical Energy.

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