part twenty four: playful ceremonies

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Today was Thursday, also known as the night right before the play. All of the props were finished, safe for the moon that needed just a little bit more work but would be ready in time for the show, no problem.

It had been a stressful rehearsal as everyone back stage was running around, trying to prepare any last minute things before the big show. Thankfully, the artists in the prop department were all kind and easy to work with. I even made a few friends along the way.

Isaac had sat down in my room tonight as well, and even ventured into my closet to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Why do the Weasley's have to be ginger? That's so weird." he said, grimacing at the book.

"It's not weird. The Weasley's are just iconic like that."

When the time came for Isaac to head to his room for the night, Jackie had just went to shower as I was cleaning up my art supplies.

When I received an unknown text.

hi y/n this is kylie, i got your number from cole who asked me to text you. he's here at monty's and needs a ride. he said not tell anyone or he'll "kill you"

I stared at the text, letting the words sink in. Come to think of it, Cole hadn't been at dinner and, because Katherine and George hadn't seem concerned about his absence, I assumed that he had said he was at work.

I shot a quick text to Kylie before hurrying to finish my cleaning. I then went to pull on a pair of shoes before heading downstairs.

After quickly making an excuse to Katherine and George, claiming that the prop group for the show had wanted to get ice cream before the "big day," I went down to the garage and grabbed the car keys.

So before anyone asks any questions, allow me to explain: I do have my driver's license, I really do. It just hasn't been used since I left New York...which was almost seven months ago. And being from New York, there wasn't much space for me to learn good driving skills and practice them often, as I normally rode the subway or caught a ride from someone else.

So needless to say, my driving was a bit rusty.

"SORRY!" I yelled at the woman who jumped out of the way from me. I gripped the wheel tightly, trying desperately to stay in a straight line on the road.

I came to a screeching halt as I parked the car outside Monty's. Going inside, I quickly spotted Kylie wiping down a table. She looked up at the sound of the door.

"Hey. He's over in the corner."

I nodded, "Thanks."

I went over to the corner table, where Cole sat with a half full water cup. His hair was a mess and he had a big smile on his face.

"Y/n!" he greeted me cheerfully. When he looked up, his eyes were glossy and his smile was the brightest I had ever seen it. I sat down across from him and right away, Kylie appeared.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Pizza?"

"Um, Kylie?" I pulled my eyes away from Cole and to her, "Is he high?"

She looked up from her notepad, "Hm? Oh yeah, he is."

I nodded, sighing, "Do you guys happen to have ice cream?

"Coming right up." she said, taking off towards the kitchen.

Cole was staring down at his cup of water, slushing it around to make a whirlpool. I shook my head, grabbing his hand to stop him.

"You're gonna spill it." I said, taking the cup from him. He pouted.

"Y/n, you're no fun."

"I don't care." I shook my head. He began fiddling with the napkin in front of him and I took that away from him too.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now