For Her

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Lorenzo's POV

As I walked out of the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Ivy was mine now, bound to me by marriage and circumstance. But I knew she was hiding something, those big brown eyes of hers concealing secrets and fears.

I intended to uncover them all, to know every thought and feeling that passed through her mind. And I would use any means necessary to do so, even if it meant exploiting her relationships with her friends.

Shiren, Sasha, Natasha, and Iris - they were all pawns in my game, tools to be used to keep Ivy in line. And as I made my way to my meeting, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of how perfectly my plan was unfolding.

Yesterday, she became mine officially, but last night, she became fully mine - her body, soul, and her whole self, now belonging to me.

And I vowed to cherish her with my life, to give her the world, except for one thing: letting her go. She's a fierce kitten sometimes, but I like that about her.

I know how to handle it, how to tame her fiery spirit without extinguishing its flame. I'll show her what it means to be loved, truly and deeply, and she'll learn to surrender to my embrace.

She'll learn to trust me, to rely on me, and to love me with every fiber of her being. And when she does, I'll be the one to hold her close, to keep her safe, and to never let her go.

As I settled into the car, my gaze fell on the ring adorning my finger, the one she had placed there yesterday. It was a symbol of our union, a reminder of the vows we had exchanged, and the life we would build together.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and ownership, knowing that she was now mine, bound to me by the weight of that gold and diamond.

The ring seemed to sparkle in the dim light of the car, a constant reminder of the commitment we had made to each other.

And as the driver pulled away from the curb, I knew that our journey together was just beginning, a journey that would take us through the ups and downs of life, but one that we would face side by side, forever entwined.

A wide smile played on my lips as I thought about Ivy, her fiery spirit and her captivating beauty. But as we arrived at our destination, my expression turned serious, commanding respect.

As I stepped out of the car, the chatter and laughter of my associates and guards ceased, and they all turned to face me. I swept my gaze across the room, and they promptly lowered their eyes, showing the deference and fear that I demanded.

Without a word, I turned and entered the elevator, heading to my private cabin, where I could collect my thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead.

The silence was palpable, a reminder of my power and authority, and I savored it, knowing that I was the one in control.

As I settled into my seat, I pressed the button to summon my secretary, Kate.
She entered with a crisp "Good morning, sir," to which I responded with a curt "hmm."

Her eyes widened slightly as she delivered the news: "Mr. Fernandez has arrived, sir. They're waiting for you in the conference hall." I rose from my seat, my mind already shifting into high gear.

But just as I was about to exit, Kate hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper: "S-sir, I'm s-so sorry, but I accidentally scheduled a lunch meeting with our main client at 3 pm." My anger ignited like a match to gasoline.

"WHAT?!" I thundered, my voice echoing off the walls. Kate cowered, her eyes brimming with tears, but the sight of her distress only fueled my ire.

"DID I PAY YOU FOR THIS?!" I bellowed, my fury threatening to boil over. Kate shutted her eyes and it reminded of her-ivy my Ivy.

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