[S]Carl Grimes: The Cabin

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After coming across a large herd of walkers, you and Carl get split up from the rest of your group. The two of you wander through the wilderness is search of a place to stay, you come across the cabin...

Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: Smut


"I think we lost them" you said as you and Carl came to a stop in a clearing in the forest.

You placed your hands on your knees doubling over as you took big in big lungful's of air, you glanced over to Carl who had his hands on his hips and his head up in the air also taking in deep breaths his sweaty shirt clung to his body as his chest heaved up and down.

"Yeah I think we did; they shouldn't still be following us" he said taking off his hat and wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve before returning his hat to his head.

About an hour ago you, Rick, Carl and Daryl where out looking for supplies when your stumbled across a large heard. It had been moving through the forest relatively silently before the four of you had stumbled across it. Rick had told you all to run as there was no way that you would be able to take them on.

So, the four of you had scattered in the chaos seeming to run in all different directions. You and Carl had met up and had been looking for the other ever since but now it had started to get dark.

"Come on Y/n" he said standing up straight and looking around. "We need to find somewhere to stay before it gets dark, I really don't want to have to hide up a tree tonight."

"Why?" you asked smiling in his direction, "The last night we spent in a tree was prett interesting" you finished with a cheeky smile.

He smiled and blushed lightly looking at the floor and then back up at you.

"Come on I'm sure we can find something better than a tree this time" he laughed brushing past you and heading back into the forest, the opposite way the pair of you had run from.

You sighed your breath finally beginning to come back, you smiled as you watched him walk down the path at the far left of the clearing, you jogged to keep up with him once he disappeared into the treeline.

"What are you hoping to find all the way out here, and how the hell with the rest of the group now where to find us? You asked stepping into pace with him as he followed the narrow woodland path that was barely visible.

"Daryl should be able to track us I'm making sure to leave a good enough trampled trail so he can track us down when it gets light." He said squinting at the path then stopping.

"So, you have no idea where were going" you said almost crashing into him.

"Old hunters trails, meaning that there should be somewhere for them to stay out here, like a log cabin or something" he said his head darting between the two different paths before settling on the left one and starting down it.

"Okay but what if they slept in tents and we are just wandering deep into the forest for absolutely no reason at all?" you said stepping over stinging nettles and glancing around into the darkening forest

"Well then we will be sleeping in a tree" he said with a small laugh shaking his head.

"That really isn't filling me with a whole lot of confidence" you whispered, the light was disappearing fast and you were beginning to feel uneasy.

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now