Carl Grimes: Memories and Promises

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You crept along the outside of the house checking every window looking inside for any sign of rotter's, from what you could see there weren't any inside of this house and the door was still locked both the front and at the back meaning that any supplies could still be intact which meant that you might be lucky and have something to eat today. You quickly made your way to the back door and wiggled one of your knifes into the old rusted lock and with a bit of elbow grease it broke and the door squeaked open immediately you heard hushed voices whispering and your breath caught in your throat as you heart began to beat quicker. Preying that they hadn't heard you, you turned around to leave and walked straight into a guy, you went to raise your gun but he knocked you out. All you remember is the world growing blurry and the smell of dirt as you hit the ground.

You awoke with a start to find yourself tied to a radiator presumably in one of the upstairs rooms because you could see the tops of the trees outside in the mirror a little in front of you. You checked your clothing praying these people were nice and you let out a sigh of relief seeing that only your weapons had been taken.

"We're not like that" said someone from across the room.

Your head flew up and your eyes met with a boys eyes about your age sitting across the room with his back to the door and gun in hand.

"What?" you asked confused.

"We're not the sort of people that would so that."

He said hesitantly breaking eye contact with you and looking down at the floor.

"We are good people." He said looking back up at you.

"Ha there's no one good left in the world now not after everything that's happened and everything we have had to do to survive." You replied shaking your head and looking around the room then back to him.

"There is there has to be, not every ones bad, you're not" he said sounding way more hopeful than he most probably should.

"How do you know I'm good, when you found be earlier I could have been sneaking in to kill you and steal your hat." You said with a smirk. "Oh and I'm Y/n by the way."

"I'm Carl and No you weren't you were looking for supplies because if you were trying to steal my hat you would have seen the size of our group and realised that it wasn't worth the trouble. I think that you accidently came across this place while looking for something to eat."

"Wow your good at this Sherlock, you going to kill me then or what?" you replied looking at the gun.

He noticed you looking at the gun and placed it on the floor next to him.

"No I said we're not like that! My dad just wants me to find out what sort of person you are and then if you want you could join our group."

"Ha..." you thought about it for a second "Wait become part of your group?"

You let your mind wander over the past few months, you had been alone for a while now any you were scared that you were going to lose it. You had become more jumpy at everything scared of shadows and sick of not having someone to watch your back.

"Yeah you can become part of the group if you pass the test." He replied with a smile.

You noticed with every passing minute that he got better looking.

"What test?" you asked suspiciously looking him up and down.

"Just three questions that's it."

"What? You take people into your group based on the answer to three questions. Well you're not bad people but you bloody mad the lot of you, what's next worshipping the rotter's and feeding them sacrifices." You said shaking you head.

"No don't be stupid there very good questions"

"How do you know that these people aren't lying just so they can steal your hat?" you asked with a smile.

"Oh ha-ha tell you what if you pass the three questions that my dad asks you then you can wear my hat for the rest of the day agreed?" he asked that cute smile revealing itself again.

"Ok I will take your little test, sounds like a deal. Three questions for people to watch my back and to be able to wear the hat of the cute guy sitting across from me."

He blushed before standing up, opening the door and yelling for his dad.

A few minutes later I had the whole of the group standing in a half circle in front of me with the boys dad in the middle.

"How many walkers have you killed?" he said loud and clear.

"Wha-" then you realised it must be one of the three questions "I'm not sure but loads"

"How many people have you killed?"

This question hit you a little hard, I reminded you of a few months ago a little while after you had lost your group.


He looked away for a second at the others in the group who all looked around at each other before returning their focus back to me.

"Why?" he said looking straight at me.

"I lost my group, which consisted of my mum, me and a few people we had found from the start. I was on y own for a little while then one night I was ambushed by three men..."

You looked up at the group and saw that many of their harsh expressions had softened even their leaders.

"They took something form me that I can never get back and they hurt me they hurt me a lot. I was with them for a while and every night... then one day I saw a chance one had left their gun in their gun belt on the floor and I shot them all. The last one it was the worst he pleaded for his life but he never listened to my pleas and I shot him."

Your voice broke and your eyes fell to your lap as you hung you head and sobbed. You felt someone move towards you then you felt a reassuring hand on you shoulder and you looked up right into the eyes of the leader.

"We are never going to let anyone hurt you ever again" he said his words powerful and for some reason you believed him.

He then stood and nodded at a guy that looked a hell of a lot like a red neck, he lent down and untied you before the rest of the group left giving you reassuring smiles until no one was left but Carl, He slowly sad beside you.

"Well you passed" he said with a smile "which means you get to wear the hat."

He placed it on your head and you turned to him noticing how close you both were. He took you hand in his.

"I promise Y/n that I will never let anyone hurt you ever again" he said before kissing you hand.

You smile and let you head rest on his shoulder and soon sleep engulfed you both.


Authors Note

I know I keep doing a lot of these but it would be great if you could vote and comment so I know you like these. Also if any of you people have Now TV then you should check out a TV show called Falling Skies its like The Walking Dead but with aliens and is really quite good and you know just to tempt you even more there's a couple of cute guys in it one appearing a little later in the first season. But if your as big a fan of The Walking Dead as I am then you should enjoy it, there's also five seasons so it should keep you going while you wait for the new episodes of The Walking Dead to come out and if you guys really like it comment here then I might do some imagines on the characters in it in a new book like this one :). Anyway I wish you all a Merry Christmas Xx

Date: 24/12/2015

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now