Carl Grimes: Autumn leaves

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You crept along the side of the wall, you were trying to make as little noise as possible but the autumn leaves on the floor were not helping. Each step seemed to echo through the forest despite your best efforts, you really couldn't continue like this you had no idea what sort of people were on the other side of this wall and your dint really want to. You took another step cursing your stupid decision to take a shortcut through the woods. How were you to know that there would be some giant arse settlement slap bang in the middle of it.

After what seemed like an eternity you finally managed to find a pathway through the crunchy leaves that was a little bit quieter. However the fact that this path looked so used set your teeth on edge. If someone was using this path they could be using it now and you could bump into them further up the path, but you would be less likely heard than if you were to walk through the leaves. Ignoring your better judgement you decided to follow the path as you were tired and worn out.

Suddenly there was movement behind you and before you could raise your gun to shoot whatever the hell it was the cool barrel of a gun was pressed to the back of your head.

"What are you doing here" said the voice, it sounded young.

"Trying to escape a herd" you replied your heart hammering.

"Then why were you creeping along the edge of the wall?" the voice asked.

"I tried to take a shortcut through the woods" you replied your mouth growing dry.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you" the voice said again

Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks as you racked your brain for any reason for this complete stranger to spare your life.

"Because you will have to carry it with you for the rest of your life" you replied.

"Good answer" said the person who you believe to be a boy roughly around the same age as you.

"Does that mean you aren't going to kill me?" you ask closing your eyes and hoping with all your might.

"No I'm just messing with you" said the voice with a cheery tone, "we don't get all that many people out here and well better to be safe than sorry"

He walked around to the front of you and offered you his hand.

"I'm Carl" he said with a small uneasy smile.

"I'm Y/n" you replied a little shocked at the turn of events.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, you could have been anyone and if you were the bad sort I couldn't risk just letting you walk." He said as he started walking back towards the fence.

"You gave me one hell of a scare" you said following the boy a little curious about what's behind the wall.

"Again I'm sorry, you mentioned a herd?" he said as you caught up to him.

"Yeah I've been keeping ahead of for miles, it just keeps getting bigger" you replied looking at the boy.

He had an eyepatch over one eye but other than that he looked to be in pretty good shape unlike many people you had come across. He was skinny but more toned than he was starved, he had pretty long scruffy hair that fell just short of his shoulders. Overall he wasn't a bad looking guy.

"What way is it heading?" asked the boy who looked you up and down quickly before focusing his eyes back on the path ahead.

"East, it should come this way if you don't make too much noise. It might sound stupid but I think they are migrating for the winter or something" you said blushing a little.

"Yeah I don't think they like the cold all that much it slows them down" he replied as he caught you looking at him. He smirked. "You like what you see?"

You felt your cheeks burning as you looked anywhere but at him.

"It's ok I think your pretty hot too" he said with another smirk as you both reached the wall.

"Ha-ha very funny you" said as you grew self-conscious about your appearance. "I must look an absolute mess right now" you replied looking down at your grubby cloths and dirt filled hair.

"I don't think it's anything a hot shower can't fix" he said leaning against the wall and looking at you again as you grimaced at yourself.

"You have showers?!" you exclaimed looking up at him quickly.

"Yeah maybe you should stay with me here at Alexandria I would like to get to know you a little better, not to mention see you in some clean clothes" he said with another smile as he began to climb the wall.

"Oh I bet you would" you laughed as you climbed up the wall after him grinning like an idiot at your dumb luck...


Date: 04/7/2016

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