Carl Grimes: Goodbye...

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Authors note


Now I have given you warning you can't blame me for spoiling it for you but, holy cow! Carl lost his eye!!! I was so shocked even though I knew what was coming... how do you guys feel about this? Personally I think Carl is going to look a hell of a lot more badass now but how is he going to continue fighting the walking dead with no depth perception? Then there's the part where the Alexandrian's just straight up kill ever walker in Alexandria, this I feel is one of the most action packed episodes of the walking dead I think that the wait for the next episode is going to pretty damn hard. Again massive Authors Note but I would really like to hear your opinions on this episode and don't forget to vote for this imagine if you liked it :P :)



You stood stunned as the walkers tore into Jessie and Sam. You stood there frozen in shock as Carl called to his dad, who seemed to be in the same state of disbelief as you. That is until he realised that Jessie was still holding onto Carl who was unable to free his hand from her grasp. Rick seemed to stumble out of his trance as he swung his axe at Jessie's arm, again and again until Carl was freed. You noticed Ron lifting Carls gun and pointing it at Rick, before you could even lunge to take it off of him Michonne's sword went straight through his torso the gun going off as he fell to the ground.

Carl then turned towards you and Rick, blood spilling down from his eye as he whispered 'dad' before collapsing to the floor. Running to him you helped Rick pick him up and then turned to Michonne and helped her clear a path for rick to carry Carl to the infirmary, you heart hammering in your chest as you thought the worst.

Somehow the four of you made it to the infirmary and Carl was wheeled away and you just stood there with Rick stunned. You take off your walker covered bed sheet and turn to Rick who is looking out at he walkers that are now heading towards the house because they have turned the lights on to help Carl.

Rick went out about an hour ago with a couple of people they were killing the walkers...

"Y/n you can see him now" Said Denise with a small sad smile. "I don't think... I don't think he's got very long..."

A lump formed in your throat as you walked into the room where Carl was lying on the bed, pale and lifeless looking. His eye was bandaged. You walked up to the bed and sat on the chair next to the bed and put your hand in his no longer able to hold back your tears.

"Carl?" you say your voice coming out as nothing more than a whisper.

He doesn't move, he doesnt even register that he has heard your voice.

"Carl, I just want you to know that you are the bravest person that I have ever met and..." you held back a sob. you looked at him, he was so pale so lifeless, so far from the Carl Grimes that you had come to love. 

"I should have told you that a long time ago" you continued as the tears began to run down your face driping onto your lap.

"please..." you begged you voice breaking as you felt yourself fall apart piece by painful piece.

"We need you here there are so many more things for you to do..." you look at his face, pale with beads of sweat along his forehead, his closed eye sunken and dark.

 "You need to hold on... I don't think that I can make it without you." you look again at his pale face and listen to his ragged breathing tears running down your face as your heart hurt with the thought of loosing him. 

You stay silent for a long time... 

"It's ok" you whisper slowly as the small fragile boy in front of you seemed to grow weaker by the second.

You thought long and hard,

"If you feel like this is your time... then you go walk on into that light..." you kiss his hand and hold it too your heart, looking down at him. His hand was cold not warm like it always was.

 It stayed limp in yours, it didnt close around your hand protectively like it always did and you knew in that moment no matter how much that you wanted to deny it, he wasn't coming back.

He was too far gone...

You watch as his breathing becomes more and more laboured his chest rising and falling becoming less rhythmic.

"It's ok Carl..." you whisper again you notice him getting weaker and weaker, "Goodbye Carl" you say as you bite down on your lip.

Then hes gone just like that.

No big fanfare, no great heroic ending, he just fades away...


I'm sorry, I'm a horrible person , I am very sorry for doing this, the next imagine will be happy I promise :)

Date: 16/2/2016

Again I'm crying going over this again, damn I am so incredibly sorry if this has upset you that way that its upsetting me :'(

Love you guys and here have an internet hug (\(-_-)/) Xxx

Date: 07/7/2016

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now