(Part 4): "One Man Down"

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I exited his room, going into mine to get started on my day. But, the kiss was on my mind. I sat on my bed, thinking for a little. I noticed a button near the bed like the one back at the hotel. I pushed it. The door flew open seconds later.

"Good morning Lissi!" Teoa rushed in, trying to catch his breath.

"Good morning Teoa, where's my family?" I questioned.

His eyes wandered down to the pant less part of my body. He's focused on the thought of it.

"Teoa." I said his name.

"Sorry Miss Bran- I mean Lissi. The boys went out to collect some answers." He stated.

"Even the Marine?"

"Even the Marine, they should be back later. The girls are going shooting soon." He focuses back on my body again.

"What're you looking at?" I gave him a dirty look.

He pushed me against the wall, touching my back. He then moved his hands up my shirt. I pushed him away.

"Can you leave?" I said with a snotty tone.

He exited the room in silence. I kept the black t-shirt on, but put on a sweatshirt with sweat pants. then brushed my teeth and hair, then leaving my room into the spacious living room where the girls were.

"Good, you're up." Skylar says.

"We're going down to the shooting range once the boys get home." Blaire explains to me.

As she finishes explaining the men walk through the door. I saw some unfamiliar faces.

"Lissi, this is Kyle, my boyfriend." Blaire revealed.

Kyle was almost as tall as the Marine, but taller than Teoa. He had dark eyes, but a mixture of brown and blonde in his hair with a clean shaved face.

We shook hands, greeting each other Him and the Marine I think were close friends by the way they were talking. I saw him head into his room down the hallway and I followed.

"Marine?" I call his name softly.

"What do you want." He said in a monotone voice.

"I want you to teach me." I begged him.

"Teach you what?" He cocked his eyebrow up, looking at me.

"How to shoot."

"No thank-you." he brushes off the question.

"What's with you? Just last night you wanted to be with me. I don't get it!" I said regretfully.

He slammed my shoulders against the wall.

"Look, I'm not your therapist. Go ask someone else to do it."

"Marine!" A girl with a high voice said, walking into the room.

She dressed like an average hooker.

"You ready to mess around baby?" She winks at him.

"Yeah, meet me in bed sexy." He responds back.

He let me go, and I exited the room.

What was his problem?  I asked myself. I guess I won't ever find out. He hates me, I know it. I catch up with the others that are heading out the door.

We made our way into the woods and brought all of our guns. We hunted for a few animals, I didn't shoot a gun though. I used my knife and threw it, I managed to get a small bird. I heard a bang from a gun then everyone screamed.

"Jeremiah!" Bella screamed out.

I saw the Marine run out of the house, and to the scene. He tries to see if Jeremiah is still alive by finding his pulse.

"He's dead..." He mutters, as he swore under his breath.

"Who did this!?" Blaire demanded.

"We saw Franny do it." Skylar said, pointing to Kyle, Kevin, and Bella.

The Marine grabbed Franny by his neck, raising him off the ground choking him.

"This is your fault!" He yells out with his eyes blazing with anger.

"I-I-It" Franny gasped for air, "It was a-a-an ac-accident." He struggled to say.

"Marine let him go." Blaire demands.

I looked at the strong man holding my brother, and he gave me the death stare right back at me. He let Franny go, then walked over to me.

"What the heɬɬ are you looking at!" He yells at me.

Fearing that I'd be hit, I ran back to the house. I went into my room, locking the door. My back faced the door, and tears start pouring from my eyes like a waterfall.

I sat in my room for a few hours. At dinner time, I went down the hallway and listened at the end.

"What're we going to do about the man that attacked Lissi?" Shannah asked.

"We just have to keep Lissi out of they're reach. She doesn't know how vital she is. I won't let her get married to that båstard." Kevin stated.

My eyes widen in shock. Then I calmly come out from the hallway and sit down at the table. I looked at all the men that had all the guilt on there faces. Marine, Jordan, and Teoa. I heard Teoa and Jordan whisper yelling.

"Kevin, can you please pass the butter." Blaire kindly asks.

The Marine was looking at me then back down at his food. Teoa and Jordan suddenly stand up and start fighting.

"She's mine! She will be mine!" Jordan yells at Teoa, raising his fist at him.

Everyone stares down at the two.

"I love Lissi more than you do!" Teoa shouts.

They started to fist fight. Teoa, punching Jordan across the face, knocking him to the floor. Jordan gets up to start fighting back.

I pay attention to the Marine, who's eyes was filled with anger. He got up and walked outside, bringing the cigarettes out of his pocket. I got up, following after him out the door. He's sitting out on the porch; on the step.

"You know I didn't mean to raise my voice at you." He said buffing in between.

"..... I'm just fücked up..." He continued to say.

"Why'd you do it?" I question him.

"Why'd I do what?"

"Why did you raise your voice at me?" I curiously asked, and he sighed.

"I was mad. I can't control my anger. I'm sorry." He apologies.

"Lissi?" He says my name.


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