(Part 6): "A Hit Too Hard"

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The boys left an hour ago. I got a little sad watching him walk out the door because I didn't know how I'd survive. His words he said kept running through my head.

'You can sleep in my bed if you miss me too much.' Was he serious?

I brushed off the question, and went to wander around the house, realizing I haven't been through all of it. The kitchen had a long glass table, able to fit 16 people. I walked into the living room connecting to the kitchen and it had a large TV, with a pristine picture. Next I go to-

"Lissi do you want to go out to the club with Skylar and I?" Blaire catches me in my thought.

"I don't mind." I respond back.

"Well, you are 19 now. 18 is the legal age we set this corridor to be. Go get ready." She let's me know.

I nodded my head, heading into my room quietly. I picked out my clothes for the night; white wedges, high-waisted jean shorts, a half top, with a little bag. I heard something. click!

"Where are you going?" Teoa snuck up on me.

"Out with my siblings..."

"You're not sleeping in his bed. I was watching you talk to him. You kissed him." He said in a tone of disgust.

"So what? You don't own me." I told him off.

"Don't you ever say that!" He yelled.

Teoa raised his fist, and punched me across the face. I fell to ground, hitting my head on the hard floor.

"Tell anyone about what I did, I'll kill Blaire." He threatens.

He stormed out of the room in anger and distress.

I got up and looked in the mirror, looking at the bruise on my cheek. I started to cry at my appearance, but decided to suck it up since it happened. I put on make up to cover it up, and got dressed. I decided to leave my hair as it is.

"Lissi you ready to go?" Blaire shouts to ask me.

"In a minute!" I yell back.

I go out and see my sisters all ready to leave. We get into the silver car, and we pull up to a house. I see a girl walk out to the car.

"Get in the car Fal." Skylar said.

It was Fallon! She gets into the car and looks at me.

"Lissi!" She shrieks.

I give her a hug, and we didn't let go for what seemed like forever.

We pulled up to a nightclub which was very urban. We got out of the car, and walked in. The sounds of the bass of the music greeted me, The smell of the alcohol in the drinks were strong. I saw some people passed out on the couches. Wow that's dangerous.

I lost my sisters and Fallon very quickly. I decided to go to the bar across the room. I make my way there and sit down in one of the comfy stools.

"What can I get for ya, pretty lady?" The handsome bartender asked me, and I giggled.

"Surprise me." I tell him.

"I'm afraid I need to see an I.D. for what I'm about to bring you." He winks at me.

I take out my corridor 7 I.D. and give it to the bartender.

"5'3? Damn you're short. But, that's how I like my women." The man says in a sexy tone.

He handed me my I.D. and went to go and make the drink; shortly bringing it to me.

"Don't pay me, I'll put it on the house." He tells me.

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