(Part 33): "Another Man"

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I had woken up to the sounds of crying and sadness but also a familiar voice crossed in my mind.

"How could you do this to me?!" Julia screamed out.

"I'm sorry Julia, I came back to tell you." Alex explained.

Julia stormed off into the woods, crying as if it was major. I told Mason to hold Graham as I went after Julia. She was sitting on a tree stump in the middle of the big trees.

"What's wrong Julia?"

"I've been seeing another man as Alex has been too..."

"What?" I said in shock.

I could feel my pupils dilate; glaring at her but then showing sympathy with my facials.

"Alex is... Gay?" I got myself to say.

She nodded her head.

"And I have been seeing another man around the old house. His name is Jackson." She sighed.

I cringed at the thought of cheating since it's happened to me before and it's not a good feeling. I sat down beside her and held her hand.

"Ok. I'll back you up."

She smiled through the tears and pain on her face. I almost wanted to scream 'Bïtch what're you crying for?' But, I decided to be nice. She is one of my only friends after all.

I wiped her tears off and we got up to walk back to camp as Alex was waiting for us.

"I'm not happy about you and Julia breaking up but this is how you feel." Mason rolled his eyes; seeming irritated.

"Lissi, I have a letter for you from Rosen." Alex managed to tell me, handing me a little dainty piece of paper. I stuffed it in my bra, and took Graham back in my arms.

"Thank you." I looked him in the eyes.

I looked down at the ground as Alex explained his feelings to Julia and hers to him. They were both very shocked as Jackson came out the woods with Alex's eyes seemed to not give a care.

"Whatever makes you happy." And he disappeared.

Mason gave Jackson a lecture on Julia to make sure he wouldn't fück up. I held Graham close to my chest and I took him back into the tent with me. I laid him in his little crib as I laid down in our bed; taking the note out of my bra and un-crumpling it.

Dear Summer,

All I see in the gun shots of ringing out is you getting up in the middle of our sleepless nights, although when I come it is my turn. I think this has taught me how to be more of a father to our little boy, that was a secret surprise. I remain in the mist of missing you and the way you laughed, and your straight white-toothed smile. Please stay strong for me, I'll be back before you know it. I love you.

501, Rosen McCain.

I sat there, speechless. I could feel the sting at the corner of my eyes. I wanted to see him again.

"Lissi?" Blaire peaked in.

"Yes?" I responded, blinking back my tears.

"Do you want to go out and look for food? Julia said she'd watch the baby." She smiled at me kindly.


I picked up Graham and gave him a kiss on the forehead; handing him off to Julia. I took a gun that I had in a back pack just in case. I loaded it as Rosen taught me in the past.

"Ready to go Mon Petite?" She grinned, "You're not that little anymore." Blaire realized.

I smiled at her, hoping to cheer her up at least a tiny bit us all I could do. I could hear the birds outside, skwaking; as if it were looking for it's prey. Blaire and I went deeper to find out where we could hunt. I stopped in my tracks.

"Did you hear that?" I looked over.

She nodded her head and gave me a signal to be quiet. I saw a deer, as if I haven't seen one in months. It felt like a miracle had struck my heart. I mouthed to Blaire asking if I could shoot it. She smiled and mouthed back at me to go ahead. I lined my aim just across the gun with my finger resting on the trigger with the safety off. I was aiming for a hit deep in the skull, puckering my lips. It was mine. I let the shot out, hearing a thump on the ground.

"Nice job." Her eyes widened, "I didn't know you could shoot. Who taught you?"

"Rosen." I proudly admitted.

He was a great teacher to me. I couldn't think less of that because he is greater. Though my heart ached for him to return to my side. I bit my lip feeling the skin come off, while waiting for Blaire to pick up the deer.

"I need help." She called out.

I did as she said and helped pick up the deer. I came back to the camp, seeing Graham in Mason's arms while Jackson was on Julia's face with his mouth. I rolled my eyes in disgust because it felt wrong but I knew it was so right for her.

"Who shot that?" Mason's eyes beamed in excitement and joy.

I proudly stepped up, feeling a little cocky. "I did."

His eyes brightly looked at mine with his same chuckle just like Rosen.

"You did?"

I nodded my head making it obvious.

"Very well then. My son must have taught you good. I will have dinner ready in a few hours." He explained.

I dismissed myself with Graham, feeling tired; which wasn't normal. I decided that I wanted to take a nap so I told Blaire to watch him if he starts crying.

I knew I missed him and wanted him back but I did feel guilt. For what? I'm wondering. For maybe something? I knew this for awhile but I didn't want to say it. I have been looking for someone or something greater.


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! I wrote this during study hall, and my phone turned off randomly so it published on accident... But that is ok :D I do know this part is a bit shorter though and I forgot to leave a note. It's all good now though. Oh my god I was sitting in lunch with my friends and my friend we'll call her J, she told me.

"My dad said, 'You're so full of crap that your eyes are brown.'" We all died laughing even her, and I have brown eyes so it's call good because I laughed at it too, so no need to take offense x'D

Anyway I hope you guys are having a good day and or goodnight!


Quote of the part:

"The search for truth is a search for identity, that in finding truth, we find ourselves."

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