(Part 21) "Time Together"

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"Wake up, gorgeous." I felt a little pressure on my forehead.

"5 more minutes." I groaned, turning over on my other side.

Rosen picked me up and leaned me against the wall, "We have to get ready." Kissing me once.

I kissed him back. Smiling at him slightly because I don't like mornings.

"What time is it?" I can barely open my eyes.

"5:45 AM." He sighs, "We have that wedding."

I looked outside and it was still dark outside. I yawned once, then went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"I already had pancakes made for us." Rosen smiles at me.

My cheeks turned pink, and I smiled at him. We both sat down and ate our pancakes. I went back upstairs and put my hair up in a messy bun then putting on some sweats.

"Lissi let's go!" Rosen shouts.

I come downstairs, going outside getting in the car with Rosen. We drove to a big hall where it looked like the most expensive weddings were held. I got out and a team came over to me.

"Lissi! Come on your late! Let's go!" A woman grabs me, ripping me away from Rosen.

I looked back at him with sad eyes as he chuckled. I was ran into a room with Julia and the rest of the bridesmaids. They sat me down next to Julia, and started to take down my hair.

"Ow!" I whimpered.

"We're running a little behind on schedule." Julia panics, "Do I look ok?"

I looked at her and I smiled, "You look beautiful."

She blushed lightly, as the lady touches up her make up. Julia had her hair curled, with the prettiest eye make up. She even had her eyebrows colored in. They looked clean like they came straight out of the next Cover girl. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Do I look ok?

I wanted to look good to make her day as special as possible. I closed my eyes and next thing I knew I saw myself in the mirror. I felt really pretty with the make up on.

"You're all done." The stylist said.

Another lady handed me my dress, walking into the dressing room with me. I changed into the dress, feeling a little awkward. She zipped up the back of my dress. The dress was a light cream color with no straps and this cool design in the middle. I turned around to see Julia in her perfect white gown. Then the stylist finally putting on the veil.

"Julia you look gorgeous!" I exclaimed.

She smiled widely, with some tears of joy, "I feel gorgeous for once."

"You always are." I assure her.

"Julia! We have to go!" The wedding planner shouts at us.

We all run in our high heels as fast as we could. The first pair of the bridesmaid and groomsmen went out. There were 6 groups, in which Rosen and I were last. It finally got down to our turn. I saw Rosen and his jaw dropped at me. He held his arm up and I wrapped my arm around his. We walked down the aisle slowly.

One day this could be us.

"You look beautiful." He left a chuckle on his face for the crowd.

My face turned a bit red as the attention was on us. We reached the end of the aisle and departed from one another. I stood next to a bridesmaid that had dark hair with the prettiest hazel eyes. I paid my attention to Julia walked down the aisle with her father. I gave her a big smile as she cried. Mason handed his daughter off to Alex.

"Dearly, beloved." I started to zone out into space because I just wanted to stop standing.

I can see a little baby sleeping in the corner with his mother- wait how big is this wedding? I'd say there is like 500 people here right now. Wow that lady is wearing the tightest dress. How can she even- Ooooo look at the chandelier hanging at the top of the-

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I snapped back into reality. I watched Alex and Julia give there kiss to seal the deal. Everyone stood up in celebration. I tear came upon my face as we started to make our way out. We went to the reception in a long limo. Rosen sat next to me, still complimenting me. We get to the large venue.

"Can I have a picture of all the bridesmaids?" The photographer asks.

Julia nodded her head as she had other business to do. All the bridesmaids got together with our wine glasses and smiled for the camera.

"Very beautiful, all you ladies are." The man says in a slight accent in his tone.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Rosen took my hand as we head in for the showing of the wedding party. Everyone was screaming per each pair. I sat at the table waiting for Julia to come by. She came out looking silly with some glasses and a big hat. After she took all of it off, she sat next to me as we listened to some speeches with food coming around. I didn't mind the food part. I was starving.

"Julia you are our world." Someone finishes there speech.

Everyone ate there food then started dancing on the dance floor. I had a few glasses of wine, maybe one, two, or three. I'm not sure anymore but I am feeling a bit dizzy.

"Woah, watch out." Rosen catches me, laughing a bit.

He too had been drinking a little bit. But, I didn't care we were both having a good time. That's all that matters after all. The DJ was playing really good music after the stupid slow dance crap. I wasn't too fond of slow music ever in my life.

I manage to find my way to the bar again, and order another drink. I felt my head hit hard.

"Lissi, you went too far."

"I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help it."  I cried.

"It's not ok to do again. I love you too much for you to be like this."

"I'm ok I promise!" I scream out.

"Nothing I can do now."

Let's just have some "Time Together"


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! So.... I had my first day of school today.... It sucked my ash. Buh.... It was boring long story short. Lectures all day and Friday I have to listen to the school's handbook for an hour and half. Pls kill me x.x ANYWAY, on a happier note, I hope you guys have a wonderful night or day WOAH 21 PARTS ALREADY.


Quote of the part:

"I don't care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart."

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- UnKnownVintage


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