(Part 24): "100% Positive"

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The sun beamed light into our room. I still didn't go to bed. I bet I probably have bags under my eyes. I felt a bit sick to my stomach.

"You're up early." Rosen says, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I mutter.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to disturb you." I lied.

I really wanted him to wake up and be with me. Last night I threw up four different times. Rosen pulls me on top of him, placing one hand on my as̈s̈. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips,

"We have to get ready." I sigh.

"I know. I have to get to the base for work. You wanna come?" He asked, "You don't have to do anything but be with me."

I nodded my head, getting off of him. I got ready for my day, putting on my leather jacket, combat boots, and jeans. I left my hair messy, as I didn't care because I still didn't feel good. We both went downstairs and got into the car ready to leave. I buckled up my seat.

"Aren't you going to buckle up?" I asked him.

He lit up a cigarette, putting the car in drive then stepping on the gas pedal. My head flew back; hitting the back of the seat with my stomach flipping.

"Nope." He laughed.

We raced down the highway going eighty miles per hour. I never drove like that... Then again I barely knew how to drive. We pulled up to the base, getting out of the car.

"McCain!" Drake shouted at Rosen, laughing playfully.

"Hey Drake!" Rosen greeted him.

"I don't think I quite caught your name." Drake looked at me, with a pleasant smile.

"Lissi." I hesitated to say.

"Pleasure to formally meet you, Lissi. I hope you're taking care of dear old McCain here." Drake laughed.

"You too." I responded, with a smile.

"I heard your birthday is coming up on Christmas."

"It is... But I don't really care." Rosen brushed off the statement.

I didn't know his birthday was coming up. He knew mine but I didn't know his. Wow, I'm a horrible girlfriend, even though my birthday was while I was in a coma.

"Alright man, let's get to work." Drake walked with Rosen and I followed.

"Lissi!" A voice shouted from behind.

I saw Alan chasing after me.

"Rosen I need to go talk to Alan real quick ok?"

"Alright, meet me by the second courtier." He smiled, giving me one quick peck on the lips.

Both Drake and Rosen turned around, walking away.

"Did you tell him?" Alan asked me.

"No..." I sigh; groaning a bit, "Sorry I don't really feel good."

"What do you mean?"

"Alan... I think I'm pregnant." I started to break out crying.

Alan hugged me tightly, "I'm sure that's not the case..." His voice trailed off.

I knew he was lying.

"How about we go get a test?" He offered, "I'll pay."

I kept crying, I can't be pregnant. I shook my head at him, agreeing. He called over some girl, but I couldn't make out who she was.

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