(Part 27): "Waiting Room"

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Screaming outside of my will to wake up. I looked at the time and it was six in the morning. I went downstairs, and I didn't see Rosen on the couch. I walked over to the kitchen and looked on the table.

Dear Lissi,

Went out to work for a little. I'll be home at two. Call my cell phone if you need anything; I left your phone upstairs next to the night stand.



I looked at the 'sincerely' part, instead of it maybe saying love. He probably doesn't even love me anymore...

Don't say that.

I heard a faint knock at the door. I walked over to the door, and opened it slowly.

"Good morning Lissi!" Tiffany says in excitement.

"W-What're you guys doing here?"  I asked, looking at Tiffany and Alan curiously.

"Your doctor appointment thing. I don't know the stuff that pregnant girls do." Alan laughed.

I nodded my head, going upstairs; putting on a lazy outfit wearing a tub top while I'm still skinny-ish. I didn't bother with my hair. I slipped on my shoes and before I knew it we were in the car.

"Are you nervous?" Tiffany asked.

"I don't know what to feel anymore. Do you think they'll let me find out who's it is?"

"I invited Jordan, so they can run a test on that. Is Rosen coming or...?" Alan stopped talking.

"He won't talk to me. He's been ignoring me for a solid week." I mutter.

Tiffany looked down at the floor, as Alan pushed down on the gas pedal more. We pulled up to a fairly modern building that had what looked like really expensive glass windows. I walked in; shaking nervously.

"Don't be scared, I got you." Tiffany smiled, hugging me tightly at the entrance.

It took me this much to realize that this is real. My name is Lissi, I am 19 years old and pregnant with someone's baby. At least I'm not on that stupid show that my aunt use to watch.

16 And Pregnant.

I broke away from her embrace and walked up to the counter; biting my lip.

"Appointment, ma'am?" The desk lady asked me.

"B-B-Brandon." I stutter.

She typed quickly on her computer with her red fingernails.

"Found you darling! Your appointment is in about 15 minutes. You may take a seat in the waiting room." She gave me a kind smile.

I managed to give her a smile back. Making my way to the waiting room chairs, sitting down with Alan and Tiffany.

"No, Rosen you don't understand, we need you here." Alan says, talking into the phone.

I zoned out for a few minutes thinking about how did I get here? How did I fall in love with a man that had the coldest heart but the warmest touch. His arms around me made me feel safer than imaginable.

"I'm here." Jordan walks through the door.

Nobody greeted him. We all stayed quiet as he took a seat. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I could feel my adrenaline pumping through my skin as I heard the door click.

"Abigale Adams." The doctor called out.

I sighed in relief, hoping it wasn't my doctor. All I sudden I saw another come out of the door. I sank into my chair; hoping he wasn't looking for me.

"Alyssa Brandon?" The man yelled for me.

I nervously got up with my knees shaking. Tiffany took my hand and we walked into the office with Jordan and Alan.

"My name is Dr. Rodgers. Take a seat in the chair." The doctor instructs.

I sat down in the lounge chair next to a machine, as the doctor was looking at my body and my blood work.

"It seems as though the baby is perfectly healthy, and so are you." He says happily.

Rosen walks into the room silently, giving Jordan and me a dirty look.

"Look Dr. Rodgers, I don't know who's baby it is. Could you possible find out?" I asked.

"Of course, gentlemen please follow me." The Doctor politely says.

Both Rosen and Jordan exited the room, following the man. I sat there twirling my fingers nervously; hoping that this wasn't reality. But, I knew it was.

I feel like it's been hours as to them leaving me alone. Tiffany is still pacing the room as she has been for the last 45 minutes.

"I'm excited to find out." Tiffany says.

"I want you and Alan to be the godparents of this child. Even if it's not Rosen's." I sighed.

Alan smiled, "We'd love to be."

Tiffany gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and she went back to pacing. The pacing made me nervous because nothing normally is good when you pace. The room smelt like nothing. Almost of emptiness and despair. I heard someone walked through the door, and I turned my head.

"I just came to check on you." Blaire peaks her head in.

I sighed in relief, happy to see her. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"No matter who's it is, I'm still so proud of you." She smiles.

I smiled back and saw another familiar face behind her back. Julia. She walked over and joined us in a group hug.

"We love you and support you Lissi." Julia says to me, giggling.

"I'm so happy you guys are here." My face turned a bright red.

"How could we be family if we didn't come?" Blaire pats my back.

"I hope it's a boy." Mason speaks up.

"Oh no, I know for a fact it's a girl." Julia states.

I didn't want to think about what it is. But, that it is mine. Boy or girl I'll love it for who it is. I'd love it more than anything, especially if it's Jordan's and Rosen leaves me.

I heard the door open with another click and the doctor came in with a bunch of papers in his hands. Along with the doctor Rosen and Jordan followed.

"We have the results of who's baby it is." The doctor says kindly, while smiling slightly.

Oh no. I feel like I'm going throw up. Why is it a half smile!? What if!?-

"The father of this baby is...."

All I could remember, was that black and white waiting room.


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! WHUT IS THIS!? ANOTHER PART YOU SEE!? I got a little busy yesterday, I was really sick and had a lot of homework. But, I'm feeling a little better today. I was almost not going to update but I did, heh. Talk about that cliff hanger though. I bet you hate me ;)


Quote of the part:

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

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- UnKnownVintage


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