(Part 38): "Here Lies"

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Hi guys! I am here to tell you about my new book, "Not So Good Boy?" Which I think to me is exciting because I like to multi-task. Anyway, check out the other book and start reading!


I stayed in my bed for an extra hour as Rosen went downstairs to make us breakfast. I knew I had been out for months, but I did learn that my brother has been dead. I manage to find the courage to get out of bed and pick out a simple black t-shirt, and my dark jeans with my boots. I didn't care about how I looked but I still put on make up, as for my hair it's just a ponytail now.

"Lissi, you have a visitor!" Rosen shouted to me from downstairs. I went downstairs to find my sister Blaire in tears, she struggled to stand tall as Kyle held her in his arms.  "You did the right thing, Rosen." Blaire admitted, "He was making a plot to kill Graham. Who knows how much time we have left." She cried out, screaming at the thoughts in her own head. She looked like a patient in mental asylum.

"Lissi are you ok?" Kyle looked at me with his wide eyes. I nodded my head, I really was ok. I kind of sub-sided with the fact that my child is gone, though I had the faith and to know that I'd be reunited with him another day. I had to stay strong this day, in this moment of bleeding. I angrily walked over to Rosen and took one of his cigarettes, marching out onto the porch. I puffed on the bitter-sweet drug.

"You smoke?" Julia came up behind me, and looked at me with a shocking expression on her face. "No. I'm just really mad. This is my first one on my own." I admitted. Why was I doing this? This isn't who I am. I threw the stick on the ground and stepped on it in the dirt and disgust of the ground.

"That's my girl." Blaire smiled at me through her tears. I gave her a little smile tugging at my cheeks. I went back inside and looked at myself in the mirror.

This is the new me.

The new Lissi. The one that is powerful.

The one that won't show pain, or agony.

"Fück you." I had a smug smile on my face, imagining the mirror was Sean. I missed that summer breeze, but now it's back. Just another year older that's all, at least I'm done being treated like a teenager, I'm now me. A young adult that can make her own decisions. Nobody can boss me around now. I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I hollered at everyone who was gathered around the kitchen table. I opened the door to the mysterious stranger and nobody was there until I looked down; a little girl. "H-Hi." She looked up at me, with a scared expression on her face. "Hi. Are you ok?" I crouched down to her level, and looked at her with a smile. "I-I'm lost." She swooshed her foot around a bit, making some noise.

"Where are your parents?" I cocked my eyebrow up, opening my eyes widely. She looked at me with her innocent eyes and began to cry. "Don't cry." I pleaded, frowning a little. She hugged me and cried on me. I suddenly knew how it felt to actually be a mother. Is this what I feel? What is this feeling? I've been so cold to myself to express these feelings that I couldn't even imagine. I wrapped my arms tight around her.

"Let's go inside and you can tell me what happened." I tried to make the situation better and she nodded her head, taking my hand in hers. I lead her into the house where everyone turned there heads and all eyes were on the little girl. "Who's that?" Rosen eyed the maybe 5 year old girl up.

"She looks like you, and a younger version of you." Blaire smiled, laughing a little.

"She's crying, and upset. Just get back to talking. We have to leave soon." I assured them and they did as I said; turning around and returning to there conversations. I took the little girl over to the couch in the other room, sat her down. "Now what's wrong?" I looked concerned, biting my lip nervously as I swallowed hard.

"There a bombing in the city over and I was running away from the men! My parents tried to go after my little brother a-a-and they d-didn't make-" She broke down crying again. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to watch your parents be killed in front of you. I was only a little kid whenever it happened to me. She kept crying and I held her close to me. "I have no where to go."

Those last words just whispered to me, 'keep her.' But I don't think I could, even though I knew how it felt to not have parents. "Rosen can you come in here?" I called after him and shortly he arrived. "Yes?" He looked at me with one cocked eyebrow. I explained him the situation, and he nodded his head.

"You can stay with us... If you'd like. We can be your parents..." My voice trailed off, looking her into the eyes as a smile crept along her face. "Really?" There was the hope in her look that I knew I'd eventually get. I nodded my head, looking over at the clock; noticing that we're late.

"We have to go." Blaire shouted. Everyone ran out into the car, including the little girl. "Wow this is a big car." Her eyes dazzled at all of the seats, and mini TV's. We eventually pulled up to the funeral home where I went in to greet my brother's dead body and his cold hands. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. The little girl tugged on my shirt, and I crouched down. "Why do people touch dead people?" She looked at me with curiosity.

"It's respectful, letting you know that you will keep this person alive in your memory." I tried to keep it PG instead of giving her a whole speech about dead bodies. We sat down as the service was just about to start and I turned to the blonde girl, "I never got your name." I smiled at her.

"My name is Lacey."


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! Haven't updated in like three days so here it is! Finally! I do have parts written my schedule has just been crazy lately! Like oh mawh gawd. Anyway there's this cute guy in school and we sit together in math, and he'll talk to me in the hallway if I see him and like o_o EEK! Today me and him were talking in math and he likes to annoy me, and last week Friday; him and I were making fun of the sub yeah; yeah I know blah blah blah. I'm smiling like an idiot while writing about him. But, feel free to check out my other book if you have time! :D


Quote of the part:

"Every new friend is a new adventure... The start of more memories."

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