(Part 16): "A Birthday To Last"

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WARNING: This part contains some mature content


I woke up in a bed instead of where I use to be. Teoa was next to me. I didn't have any clothes on. As Teoa was fast asleep; I got up and put on my clothes. I ran out of the room looking for Blaire and she's gone. Everyone saying she escaped. I saw the way to get out and quickly made a run for it. I got outside the door, and ran back into the woods.

You did it.

I ran past my camp site where I had stayed for 1 night. I know I'm going the right way. I made my way over by the house, looking for Rosen. I saw him on the pourch; looking sad while smoking a cigarette. I run towards the house.

"Rosen!" I screamed for his sight.

He quickly put out his cigarette with his jaw dropped. I ran into his arms, hugging him tightly as he picked me up.

"Don't ever leave me like that." He tells me.

"Never! It was a mistake-"

He quickly cut me off with one big passionate kiss. I knew it was wrong to run away from him.

"Where did you stay?" He asked, carrying me inside.

"I stayed in the woods. But, Teoa kidnapped me." I tell him.

His eyes filled with anger, but he hugged me tightly.

"Lissi!" Julia screamed out in excitement.

"Happy birthday, Julia." Rosen tells her.

It's Julia's birthday? "Happy birthday Julia!" I tell her.

She pranced around in some of her new clothes that she had gotten. Shortly, she walked out the door probably going somewhere.

"Rosen... I fell asleep near a window, and I woke up in a bed with him. I-I-I wasn't wearing any clothes." I manage to tell him.

He put me down, and he turned around; punching a wall. He swore on his breath. I looked out the window, and Teoa was chasing down the driveway coming up to the house. He bursts through the door.

"You båstard!" Teoa shouts at Rosen.

Rosen swings at Teoa, and they began the fist fight. I refused to look as blood was going everywhere. Teoa died. I looked at his face; and he was coughing up blood.

"Ros-" Mason doesn't finish, "What the hell."

"He was going after Lissi!" Rosen explains.

Mason nodded his head. They called in some people to dispose of the body shortly. Rosen pulled me against his chest; holding me tightly.

"I love you so much." He whispers to me.

I got on my tippy toes, and whispered in his ear, "I love you too."

I saw Alex pacing back and fourth, looking as nervous as can be.

"Hey Alex- What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I-I-I'm just w-w-w-worried for dinner is all."

"What's going on?" I question.

"Something big." He reveals.

I nodded my head, letting him know that he obviously doesn't want me to know yet. I was happy to be back. I went up to Rosen's room, and changed into clean clothes with him shortly walking in. He pushed me against the wall, with his forehead against mine.

"You aren't mad at me?" I ask him.

"No. I should've told you..." His voice trails off.

"..... Who's the girl?" I hesitated to ask.

"She was my ex.... She killed our child. I refused to stay with her. It happened while I was off in war."

"I'm so sorry Rosen." I say in sorrow.

"It's fine." He mutters.

He leans closer to me; kissing me once, then picking me up. He laid down on his bed with me on top. I giggled at him; leaning my back down to kiss him again, adding my tongue shortly after pressing my lips against his. He groaned slightly as I felt his hands on my åss; squeezing a bit roughly. I sat up.

"Awe, come on." He sighs.

I gave him a little smirk. I pulled off my shirt. He chuckled at me, as he put his hands behind my bra; unhooking my bra; exposing my C-cup breasts. I bit my lip nervously. I was a bit scared, even though we've already done it before.

"I know you're scared." He smiles at me, "But, you can trust me."

I heard a click in the door, and Alan comes in. Rosen quickly takes the blanket, and covers me.

"Oh sh- Did I interrupt something?" Alan's face turns a little red.

"No, you're fine haha." I respond, biting my lip nervously.

Yes you did intrude.

I gave him a welcoming smile. Even though I was slightly irritated.

"What's up?" Rosen asks Alan.

"I'm getting a little nervous about Sean." Alan says, "I think he's planning something."

"He's not taking her away from me. I'm not letting that happen again. I was way too scared for her being gone." Rosen sighs.

"I'll be ok." I tell them.

"We're not risking it." Alan mutters.

"Dinner time!" Mason calls after us.

Alan leaves the room, as I got up to put back on my bra and my t-shirt. Rosen and I walk downstairs while holding hands. We sat down next to each other at the dinner table. Everyone eats there food while talking to Julia.

"Julia?" Alex speaks up.

"Yes?" She looked over at him.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" He stands up.

Everyone looked at Alex, in curiosity.

"I've known Julia for most of my life. I've been waiting for the day she turned 18 for me to finally propose to her. She's made me the happiest man in my entire life. Without her I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it through high school. Or life itself. So finally...."

Alex got down on one knee next to Julia.

"Julia Maria McCain, will you marry me?" He pulls out a big ring.

Julia stood there in shock, with the brightest smile on her face.

"Yes." She finally says.

She hugged him tightly as everyone rang out in celebration. Julia was in tears, and so was Alex. As everyone was celebrating, I made my way upstairs and laid on Rosen's bed; sighing after another long day. I heard the door click open.

"Rosen....?" I call out, nervously as it's dark.

I looked at the door and saw a tall, muscular figure standing in the door way. I bit my lip nervously; being very scared.

"Lissi?" Rosen says, smirking at me.


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! What a crappy day it's been. But, I won't ruin your days or nights because it's not fair. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, night, evening, whatever time of day it is for you. I'm off to bed. Goodnight!


Quote of the part:

"The real measures of our lives may ultimately be in the small choices we make in each and every moment."

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