(Part 40): "Obstacles"

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Ohmwahgod, SORRY I have been away for a long time I have just been really busy with school and my friends and there BS. But, I will try and update when I can, ugh I hate high school. Love you c: Please check out my other book if you have any time!


"You swear she won't like punch me or something?" I whispered to Rosen, squeezing his hand against my thigh. He nodded his head towards me as we waited for everyone to gather around the table rather quickly and frantic.

"What's wrong?" Rosen studied the puzzled expression on Mason's face. The poor old man looked cold, and older. I winced at the floor, biting my lip waiting for the response, "We have to move."

My mouth gaped open at that sentence. Move where? Move my kids? Move my whole family to a new environment? Screw that. My eyes fueled with anger as I felt a sting at the corner of my crystal eyes. I quickly held down by Julia when she wrapped her arms around me. "Where to?" I growled, gritting my teeth.

Stop it, Lissi. You're only trying to act tough. You're not tough. You're not like this, this isn't you. It is now. I have to be, I'm a mother of two and a wife of one.

I wish my uncle was here to tell me how much I messed up. He was always really good at that, because he knew how to just hurt me. Pregnant at the age before I would legally drink.

"Lissi? Candy?" That tone of voice sounded familiar. But, I couldn't fathome who it was without a matching face. I turned my shoulder to find my old uncle, standing there with my aunt, surprisingly no bruises on her eyes. I broke out crying as I hugged both of them tightly, I couldn't let go for the life of me. I saw Rosen walk off with his little sister into another room as I looked behind my aunt and uncle's shoulders. "Excuse me, for a second."

Without them dismissing me, I scoffed off into the door that my fiancé had disappeared off to. I peered my head in, looking at his sister with soft eyes instead of the cold ones that he use to give me all the time. "It's ok, we will return as soon as you know it. Look, there's Lissi."

The curious little girl turned around while a smile plastered on her face in tears just before me. She ran over to me and gave me a hug, "What's wrong, dear?" I asked in a soft voice.

"I don't want to leave, I love this place. I made a lot of new friends for once. I'm not really an out-going kid at school, due to my parents." She kept crying, and I couldn't help but be upset along with her.

"How about this, once we move, I'll help you make new friends. I'll even take you to the park with Graham and Lacey." I smiled, as one tugged at the corners of her lips.


"Really." Sydney hugged me tighter, as I wiped her tears off of her fragile face. I held both Sydney's and Rosen's hands, squeezing each one as we headed back out to see my aunt and uncle. I approached them both, with my arm wrapped around Rosen's.

"Who's this handsome young man?" My aunt eyed down Rosen as he gave them a kind, devious smile. He took her hand, and kissed it, "Nice to meet you, auntie." They both laughed and she gushed.

Rosen towered over my uncle. Whom I thought was already tall enough, I guess I haven't seen him in awhile to remember how tall he was. "I'm sorry I made you leave." My uncle explained, but I cut him off with a hug. Even though, he was not to be forgiven, I still miss my easy and innocent life.

"Oh sorry, I'm being rude. Rosen, this is my aunt and uncle. Auntie, uncle, this is Rosen. He's my future husband." I swallowed hard whenever I said 'husband.' I was scared of what they thought. He was mine either way. They exchanged handshakes, as well as baby Graham showing up finally with a few of our stuff from the house.

"So, where are we going, exactly?" Rosen cocked an eyebrow a Mason.

"I think we should go to California. Try out America for a size." Rosen laughed. Loud.

"You serious? I don't think that's a smart move. What if the others find us? We can't really go back there, considering we're not citizens in there corridors." Rosen rolled his eyes, finishing off his explanation.

"He is right. How would we get in?" I spoke up, sighing in stressfulness.

"I got a few connections. Your cousin is going to let us in, Rosen." Mason smiles, well, hiding his fear with a smile. I could tell Rosen's face grew irritated.

"You know how I feel about that kid." His voice grew more masculine. I was even a bit scared that he would lash out. "He can't do anything right, even 13 years later." He scoffed.

"Rosen, please. Just give him a chance." Mason pretty much begged Rosen to give in, he eventually did after bothering him for two minutes since Rosen has a short temper. He turned his tall body to me, "Do you want to do this?"

"Let's take on America and be the next Kardashians." I teased, making him chuckle a little. I knew I would make his day even a little better. Damn, I missed him.

"I seriously think those butts are fake." Julia laughed, joining in on our conversation. I wonder how long she's been standing there, and it kind of worries me. She's not that much younger than me but still doesn't understand much about the system. Yet, neither do I.

"Do they make butt implants?" Mason looked at Julia, hoping for an answer but she just gave him a weird stare, "Just curious, I don't know what you kids are into these days." We stood around the table, laughing with our glasses of wine. Six hours till midnight.


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

I feel so bad for being away! But, I'll try harder to get more of these out, I feel like I could have the book done. I don't really want to think negatively, shoulda, woulda, coulda. It didn't happen, BUT I AM ALIVE AND HERE ;D Have a good day and or goodnight my Vintagers!


Quote Of The Part:

"Here's to the future, because I'm done with the past."

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