(Part 36): "Gone"

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Hi guys! I am here to tell you about my new book, "Not So Good Boy?" Which I think to me is exciting because I like to multi-task. Anyway, check out the other book and start reading!


We rushed outside the car as were told to secure the perimeter. "Rosen, Lissi, and Jackson; get inside and check the kitchen, as for the rest of you, I'll give you guys your directions after they head in." Mason whisper-yelled to us. I nodded my head and gripped my gun, holding it near my chest. My adrenaline started pumping through my veins.

Was this real?

My almost 6-month old baby had been taken from me? Is this were I was going to find him and take him away from this evil? Or will this be his final place to be? I swallowed hard at the thought of the nightmares I've been having with Graham in them lately. Not to mention, Rosen dying here possibly. I felt a tear sting my cheek.

"What's wrong?" Rosen looked over at me, with his eyebrows furrowed before we go in. He held me tightly against him, letting me know he isn't going anywhere.

"What if-" I was cut off by the softness on my lips from him. He wiped my tears with his finger, whispering to me, "It's going to be ok." He assured me. I sucked it up, and put on my strong face; hoping no one else saw me cry.

"Follow my lead." Rosen went in front of Jackson. "Get in front of me Lissi, Rosen will look from the front, I got behind." He demanded me. I did as he said and got behind Rosen; shaking with fear, thinking of all of the possibilities on how this could all go wrong.

We made our way into the kitchen and we checked for weapons, in the cabinets, the sink, and Jackson checked the fridge. "He's got a fück load of pudding." Jackson laughed, stuffing his face with more of the chocolate deliciousness. I giggled quietly at him, as Rosen hushed us. I gave Rosen a little smile, but he didn't smile back, I can tell he was really serious in this situation. I knew it was time to get serious.

Rosen lead us down the dark hallway. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I saw the other troops on the other side of the hallway, as we assumed this was the door we were suppose to go through with the most light.

"On my ready, we will go in." Rosen whispered to the man on the other side. He nodded his head, gripping his gun; loading it. I loaded my handgun, getting ready for some major blood to come our way. Rosen signaled to the other guy, and the man did a hand signal to get the others ready. Rosen opened the door silently, with the door creaking open. Nobody said a thing on the other side; assuming that there is people.

The men headed in, yelling, "Put your hands up!" We waited for them to search the room, before letting us in. "All clear." They gave us the ok to come in. I ran in front of everyone and looked around the room frantically but frowned when I didn't see my baby.

"Lissi come here." Rosen tried to blink back his tears, holding out a note to me. I walked over to him slowly, and took the note from him. He wrapped his arms around me from behind; crying on my shoulder.

Dear my beloved ones,

I see you came here, looking for Graham. Your baby boy is fine, perfectly healthy, yes. But I do know you were here, you see I have a camera right in the corner, wave to me dear. I told you I'd make a deal with you, but now I'm afraid that now that you have tried to come after me; it's out of the question. Why can't we be friends? Because your fiancée took something away from me that was never suppose to be his. That darling, is Lissi. Rosen I know you're reading this too, if not have already read it. Sorry things had to be this way, my new son Kenny will love it here with me. Say goodbye to your baby boy in the camera, he's sitting here saying 'Mommy' but his mommy isn't here anymore. I'm thinking about telling him about how she got murdered on 'accident.' How does that sound? Don't make that story come true, better start watching every side of you. Oh and move your head to the left a little. Just a piece of advice.



I started pouring tears out as I moved my head to the left along with Rosen moving the out of way. A gun shot right back my ear, into the wall. I gasped and screamed. Rosen marched up to the camera and started cussing him out, then ripping the camera out of it's designated spot and shattering it on the floor as if it was nothing.

Rosen picked me up in his strong arms and ran into the other room with me, with the troops going into other rooms. We checked out the windows for people and turns out they had the place surrounded. Sean was smart, but I didn't know he was this smart.

"Damnit!" Rosen cursed under his breath. I looked at him with his eyes flared with anger. I backed away from him in fear, crying my eyes out; wishing this wasn't my reality. I miss being my older teenage self, I miss not having to worry, I miss complaining about school. Was this really the new thing? Please let this not be happening to me.

"Why me!?" I shrieked, with my eyes widening. I felt Julia pull me towards her chest as I started to breath un-evenly with my normal rhythm of breath. My heart was racing faster than a street race down the old neighborhood. Faster than Willow Smith could whip her hair back and fourth.

"Lissi calm down!" Julia screamed, as Rosen took me away from Julia. I felt like a child in his arms as he held me tightly against his chest.

"We will get out of this one."


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! Well.... I updated.... So yeah ^-^ Please check out "Not So Good Boy?" I really enjoy writing it like this novel too! If you have any time I recommend checking it out! Have a good day and or goodnight c:


Quote of the part:

"Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated."

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