(Part 12): "Medical Emergency"

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I awaken from my slumber with the ring of my phone. I picked up my phone and answered,

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Ms. Brandon?" Someone says through the phone.

"Yes? How may I help you?" I bite my lip nervously.

"This is Dr. Laynes. Are you associated with Mr. Rosen McCain?" He asks, and I swallow hard.

"Y-Y-Yes." I try to say, but I stutter.

"Well, unfortunately, he's with us in our hospital on 43rd street and we need you to come here."

"I'll be right over." I say frantically.

I grabbed my coat, and woke up Julia.

"Julia! Wake up!" I scream at her.

She jumps up, "What's wrong!?"

"Rosen is in the hospital!" I say with tears running down my eyes.

Her eyes widen, and she quickly gets up; grabbing her coat as we run into the elevator.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up." I say, kicking the stupid door.

The fücking door finally opens. We run to the car, as Julia starts it up, speeding down to the hospital. Next thing you know, we're stuck in motherfücking traffic.

Julia sticks her head out the window, "Hurry the hell up!" She screams.

We sat in traffic for about an hour. Then we started moving towards the hospital; getting off the freeway. We found a parking spot, and parked the car. We raced into the hospital and barked at the lady asking where he was.

"Where's Rosen McCain!?" I yelled at the lady.

"Ma'am please calm down. In what relation are you to him?" She asked a stupid question.

"Excuse me, bítch, I'm his girlfriend. Let me in there now!" I cried out.

"Room 201B." She spits on purpose.

I didn't care. I ran down the hallways, looking for his room. I finally found his room and ran in, taking a look at him.

"Lissi..." Rosen says, softly.

I run over to his bed, sitting in it; hugging his upper body, and cradling his head. I started to cry into his hair.

"Lissi... Don't cry." He looked up, wiping my tears.

"W-W-What happened...?" I asked, looking back at him.

"We got into a car accident."

We... Who's we?

"What do you mean 'we'?" Julia asks.

"Me, Alex, and Darrel. The rest made it back." Rosen admits.

"Where's Alex!?" Julia screams.

"He's fine. He went to get some food for us. He should be back shortly."

Julia sighed in relief. Rosen's eyes trailed to the crumpled note in my bag; sticking out.

"What's that?" He asks.

I got up, and dug it out of my bag; then gave it to him. His eyes scanned over it, then filled with anger. He ripped off all the cords and such that were attached to him. He started getting up. The doctor runs in, and kicks us out of the room. We sat in the lobby and waited.

"Hey girls." A man says.

"Alex!" Julia hugs him tightly, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey babe." He responds, "Where's Rosen?" Alex asks.

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