(Part 29): "Quiet Memories"

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10 weeks and another sleepless night. I got up with sadness, got dressed up in all black. I heard the car beeping outside, Blaire was here to come and pick me up. I walked outside of our room, looking over at the staircase where he would race down the stairs and grabbed his black coat.

"Everything ok?" I heard a voice call through the front door.

"I'll be out in a second." I shout back.

I grabbed my purse with the keys to his car for safe keeping. I got outside and got into the car. I sat down quietly, looking at my engagement ring; dazzling on my finger.

"Are you ready?" Kyle looks back at me with a concerning look.

"I guess I have to be..." My shaky voice says.

"We'll be here. Are you sure you don't want to move in? The house is awfully big by yourself." Blaire offers.

"I'll be ok." I shrugged off the question.

I won't be ok.

"How's Mason?" I asked.

"He's not holding up too well." Kyle sighs.


I looked outside at the rain that seemed to hit in the ground, hard. I saw a little blonde girl dancing in the rain, looking happy as ever. I managed to give myself a half smile as she reminded myself of a younger me.

Being 20 sucks.

The car ride seems to last for what felt like forever as my heart dreaded this long for this coming day. I didn't think it would be sooner. I blinked back my tears as best as I could; trying not to ruin my mascara before the funeral. We pulled up to a white and shining church, I was helped out of the car.

"You look beautiful." Mason tries to smile to me.

"Thank you." I give him a little smile, "Can I sit by you..?" I swallowed hard.

He nodded his head; holding out his arm. I wrapped my arm around his tightly, as we both headed in; him taking a seat in the front row, as I went up to see his body. I looked at his defined face one last time, touching his hand. Cold; like his heart use to be. I felt arms wrap around me.

"It's ok, we miss him too." Julia says to me.

I turned around to her, with tears running down my face. I hugged her tightly; without squishing the baby. The priest came in with one of his fancy books that they always had. I took my seat next to Julia and Mason beside me.

"We'll be here for you." Julia held my hand tightly.

I cried my eyes out during the serves. As at the end they closed the casket. I couldn't take it anymore, and I walked out of the church. Lizzy was standing outside, as if she was waiting for me.

"Look at you." She said to me.

I looked at her with disgust.

"20 and knocked up without your boyfriend." She laughed at me.

"Don't test me." I spat at her.

I held my baby bump in my hands. Julia ran out with a pocket knife in her hand.

"Get away from her." She hissed.

"What're you going to do, Julia? Yell for Alex?" She teased.

Julia's eyes beamed with anger, "I'm a big girl, in case you didn't notice." Her eyes narrowed.

Mason came out the door, and Lizzy ran away in fear.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Lizzy was going to harm Lissi." Julia says angrily.

Mason's eyes widen, "Lissi, be careful."

I nodded my head. I looked at everyone as they were leaving and thanking them for coming. I kissed my ring one last time for a goodbye. I got into the car with Blaire and Kyle again. It started pouring harder with thunder and lightning. As we pulled up the house, I got out quietly without a word.

"Another day without him." I whisper to myself.

I went to go and eat something since I barely ate all day from the depressing thoughts. I looked at the all letters on the table for him. I swallowed hard; reading one of them from the bank, making claims about something worthless. I squeezed my eyes shut; trying not to cry. I looked at our pictures on the wall of all the memories. Then, looking at the time.

11:15 P.M.

I washed my dishes then went upstairs to complete my day. I got into the shower and I sat there and stared at the wall of endless tiles. I looked through the glass, realizing the door was open.

Did I leave that open?

I must have. I am the only one home after all now. I washed the shampoo out of my hair, and got the make up off that covered my face with a fake smile. Putting down my bobby pins that fell out of my hair with the shampoo, my hair was just wet now. I grabbed a towel; drying myself off as much as I could. I looked in the mirror.

You don't look pretty.

I started to cry, my tears dripping down into the sink. I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose, looking at myself again then back at the ground.

Nothing is worth it anymore.

Is that all that's left of me? Nothing? Without him I was nothing. I was just as worthless as a lock without a key. My chest was closed from now on, there is no way I could move on from this travesty. I bit my lip nervously, as I heard something crash downstairs.

"Hello?" I nervously shouted out.

I started to shake in fear but shook it off because of the weather outside. Maybe it was just the wind and shook the house a little. I blinked back the rest of my tears as I looked at the ground again. I saw the baby bump at the bottom of my eyes, and I held it with my hands gently. I sighed in stressfulness as if I came home from a hard-working and physical job. Well, I feel being pregnant is a physical job. I felt strong arms wrap around me tightly; putting there hands on my baby bump...


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! I did my homework and boy did I have a lot after I came home from a family thing. Then I decided that I had to update because I feel bad if I miss two days, but I only missed one. In this part I got a little emotional writing this because I don't know, I think I have a strong connection to the character. Anyway, I hope you guys have a good day or good night.


Quote of the part:

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you have altered yourself."

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- UnKnownVintage


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