(Part 7): "You Stole Me"

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I woke up in the back of a van. I opened my eyes, there was something over my head.

"Don't talk." A random voice said.

I couldn't tell if it was a man or a girl. I was starting to feel a cold sweat. Something told me that this isn't a good thing to be happening.

"We're here." A stranger says.

"Keep your mouth shut."

I felt a hand take ahold of my arm, dragging me along with them. We walk into the unknown place, hoping that I'd soon be out of here. All I could smell was disappointment, and men shouting. Someone shoved me onto the floor, and remove the cloth that kept me from seeing.

"Don't get any ideas." Sean smiled at me.

I saw Franny, Sean, and the bartender from the club. I looked at Franny and I glared at him in disgust. I can't stand him now.

"Let me go." I demanded.

"Men leave me." Sean commands, and they leave, "You see, you don't realize how important you are here. Blaire my wife, you must be wondering where she is. No worries she got away."

"Y-y-your w-wife?" I stutter.

He nodded his head, "That's what's going to happen to you." He assures me.

"Now, down to business." He got down on one knee, pulling out a dull ring.

"Will you, Alyssa, marry me?" He chuckles.

"No." I spat on him.

"I knew you'd say no. So lucky you, I installed this." He turns up something on a remote and presses on the button, making me scream out in pain. It was a shock collar.

"I'll be back in a half hour." He tells me, and leaves.

I got up, running to the door, pounding on it.

"Keep it down over there." I heard a high-pitched voice say.

I looked at the window that looks into a room next to mine.

"W-who are you?" I ask the girl.

"I'm Cassie." She responds.

She asks me a few more questions, then I hear the door open. It was a man.

"Lissi come here." He says in a deep voice.

I went over by him carefully.

"It's Kyle." He whispers to me.

"What're you doing here!?"

"Shhh. We're coming up with a plan to get you out of here." He tells me.

I nodded my head in silence.

"It's going to be ok. I promise. But, I have to go."

I hugged him tightly, and he shocked, but hugged me back.

"Please hurry." I tell him in a soft voice.

He nodded his head in agreement and left me be in my room.

I looked around in the room for things that I could do, and nothing was here. All that was in here was a pillow, blanket, and the floor. I heard that someone had returned.

"Let's go." Sean tells me.

They tie my hands together to make sure I wouldn't get away. I was scared to see where they were taking me. I wish the Marine was here. I wonder if he's even thinking about me. Or Jordan for that matter too.

What if they don't come and get me?

What if they forget about me?

What if I'm not worth getting?

I stopped asking myself those questions because it was silly to ask. Of course they would come and get me. If they didn't, I don't know what I'll do.

"In there." He points to the room.

It looked a little like a sauna. I walked in and did as I was told. He turned the remote. It started to get cold in the room, and I look at him innocently.

"What're you doing?!" I screamed out.

It got colder and colder. I started to shiver, I could feel my nose; as cold as can be.

I past out. Then waking up in a warmer room next to hot coals. I was laying on my stomach.

"This is going to hurt a bit." A voice says, laughing quietly.

The person puts hot coals on the middle of the back, pressing them down. I screamed out in the burning of my back.

"You may stop." Sean commands the person.

I was dragged on the floor, feeling wood go into my back as the floor wasn't done correctly. I yelped out in pain.

"Would you quit whining?" He tells me.

"S-s-sorry." I stutter.

What a jerk. How can he do this to people? It isn't right. Who does he think he is? Jesus? Zeus? Boy you just wait, I'd whoop your butt like Squidward in SpongeBob. That guy is super cool-

"I shouldn't be letting you live." Sean says to me.

"Why am I important?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about it darling. I guess the others never told you. Which proves that they don't love you enough to actually tell you the full story." He states.

Maybe he was right, maybe I was suppose to stay here for my sake. But, I don't like being hurt. What he did was really hurtful and affected my body greatly.

"That's not true." I shot back.

He shocked me again and I screamed out. I kept my mouth shut the rest of the afternoon, hoping not to get punished again. I had the fear inside of me, of wanting to leave but then get caught and get the death punishment.

I remember him, he'd always talk about killing off people that never listened to him. That made my fear increase. Which makes me wonder. Why are all these men so cold-hearted? Never love?

"Why are you thinking so much?" He says.

"I'm not." I lied.

"You shouldn't lie to me. I can tell when you are Alyssa." He told me.

I hate when people could tell when I'm lying. It makes me get away with less. I know around him I should just tell the truth. It wasn't worth it just lying and getting even more hurt.

"You will respect me. No doubts about it." He says.

"Like heɬɬ I will." I respond back.

Shocking me once again, I yelped out, swearing under my breath. He pushed me back into my room, and I laid there lifeless on the floor. He shocked me again for no reason, and I blacked out while screaming.

"Don't worry Mon petit. The Dividers will take care of you."

"Do I really have to go to school?" I asked my mother.

She nodded her head, grabbing my lunch and handing it to me. I could hear her sigh.

"A couple more years." My father says to her.

"We can't let her do this and with him!" She says crying to him.

I felt a kiss on my cheek.

You stole me.

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