(Part 9): "His Name Is..."

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*WARNING: This part contains some mature content*


After seeing the size of his díck, I knew I was asking for a death wish. I relaxed a little bit, as I licked his díck bottom to top, then circling my tongue around the tip. I took my tongue away, teasing him a little. I took my hand and stroked his hard còck once, as I sucked on the head. 

He groaned a bit, as he pulled my hair back; resting his other hand on the back of my head. I started putting more of it into my mouth, sucking faster. I run my teeth against it once; which made him go crazy. I massaged his balls in between my breasts gently.

I move into a deep throat, going down on the monster farther each time making him groan some more. I took it out of my mouth and he looked at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He said, breathing heavily.

"Yes, I trust you." I respond back, softly.

He nodded, laying me down in the bed on my back. He poked the tip at my entrance.

"This is going to hurt a little. Then I promise it'll feel good." He tells me, and I tear up a bit, nodding my head.

He leans down, kissing my eyes. Next he puts just the tip in and I gasp. He slowly put it in halfway; I felt chills go down my back as I moaned out. He started thrusting inside of me, but only going halfway, I grab onto his arms tightly.

"Just tell me if I'm hurting you." He says; groaning a bit.

The Marine shoves the whole thing in, and I screamed out. I grabbed a pillow; screaming into the pillow as he sped up pushing against my barrier. I could feel his díck against my walls, as he's groaning and grunting loudly.

"Marineeeee!" I moan out his name.

"God damn! You are so fûcking tight!" He says, with another grunt.

He slows down, then speeding up again, pushing past my barrier. I start tearing up; but blinking my tears back hoping he won't stop. I don't want him to stop. He goes faster; and with him going faster it means harder too. I'm trying to hold back from letting my- I squirted on his díck. He didn't care he still kept going for a short while. He pulled out, forgetting he didn't put on a condom.

"You didn't-"

"-No I didn't I'm not stupid." He laughs, "How was it for your first time?"

"It was amazing." I respond.

He picked me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked him curiously.

"I can't take my girlfriend to take a shower with me?" He teased.

I felt a warmness in my heart, and I felt wanted.

He carried me to the bathroom, closed the door behind him. He put me down on the ground, and it hurt to stand. I walked over to the shower in some pain, then turning on the shower.

"You ok?" He asks.

"I can barely walk."

The Marine laughed. We got into the shower once it was warm. We both washed down, then he pulled me against his chest, holding me for awhile. After we showered, we got dressed, I dried my hair; looking at the time.

11:37 P.M.

"We're leaving tomorrow." He tells me.

"What do you mean by leaving?" I ask.

"The group talked before we came to get you. Blaire and Kyle go together, Teoa and Alan, Darrel and Jordan." He says, sighing a bit.

"Where am I going? And where are we now?" I questioned.

"Right now we're at my family's house. You're coming with me... If you want."

I nodded my head, telling him I want to go with him. I hesitated a bit.

"Why am I so important?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you." He looks at the floor, "You're 19, and it was almost that time where it was suppose to happen. We didn't wanna let it."

"How do you know my age? When I don't know yours." I state.

"I know everything about your life. I'm 26 years old." He sighs.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You. I don't get it. I'm not normally an emotional person. But, you make me feel something different. I've done a lot of girls in my lifetime, but when had anything for them. You actually made it feel special."

I looked at the ground, with my face turning a bright red.

"Lissi I love you."

My jaw dropped at that statement. I couldn't believe that the man with the cold eyes, no warmth, big muscles and keeps to himself. I couldn't believe.... He loves me.

"I love you too, Marine." I say back to him.

We heard a scream downstairs, both racing down the stairs, with Marine's gun. Someone was strangling a girl; she looked a little younger than me. She had brown hair, and hazel eyes. The Marine shot the man that was strangling the girl.

"Julia! Are you ok?" Marine races down to the girl, as she's coughing.

"I'm ok. Who's the girl?" She looks at me.

"Oh. Julia, this is my girlfriend, Lissi. Lissi, this is my little sister, Julia." He introduced us.

"Nice to meet you, you have a pretty name." Julia says to me, smiling.

"Awh, thank you. Nice to meet you too." I say, while I help her up; giving a smile in return.

"Can you tell the others that we're heading out tomorrow?" Marine tells his sister.

"Will do. Who's all leaving?" She asks him.

"Jordan, Alan, Darrel, Teoa, Kyle, Blaire, Lissi, and me." He says.

"The rest are staying here right?" She questions.

"Yes. They do live here after all with you and Alex." He chuckles.

"Ok. Goodnight big brother, and goodnight Lissi." She smiles.

"Goodnight." I move a piece of hair out of my face, showing my smile.

Marine took me back upstairs with him, as Julia went to her room downstairs.

"Let's get some rest." He says.

He pulls me into bed with him, he brush my hair away from my cheek that I've had there to hide my bruise because of the make up coming off.

"How'd you get that bruise?" He curiously asked.

"Oh.... Teoa... H-H-He hit me..."

I could tell he was getting angry.

"Please stay here with me. Don't get up please." I begged him.


Before I drift off the sleep I heard,

"Oh and Lissi... My name is Rosen."

I smiled, going to sleep, last thing felt being a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok, mommy and daddy aren't here anymore, Lissi." My auntie looks at me, trying to explain to me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." She hugged me tightly, while she said.

I was still happy, I thought they would return home soon. I go to the park across the street and play with the other kids that made me laugh a lot whenever I pushed on the swing. The park was always my favorite thing to do. I enjoy it as much as cake-


His name is Rosen.

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