(Part 37): "Him"

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Hi guys! I am here to tell you about my new book, "Not So Good Boy?" Which I think to me is exciting because I like to multi-task. Anyway, check out the other book and start reading!


Rosen's P.O.V.:

She looked helpless in my arms, like a little girl lost in Walmart. I didn't know how I could help, especially how I can't anymore. It's just her in a hospital bed while Graham waits for us to rescue him. We haven't located him and I miss my son. I didn't want to lose my future wife, future children, and future older Graham. This was another copy of me, as soon as I looked into his eyes.

I walked back into her room and looked at all of the tubes that had been connected to her, I couldn't help but get mad. I punched a doctor out of anger and went outside to take a smoke to calm my nerves. She told me she's never been back to America, and I wanted to take her, to my old home. To where I grew up for a short time before being put into-

"Rosen are you ok?" Julia crept up behind me while I kept looking at Lissi with my sad eyes. "Yeah." I lied. Every time I did she would believe me. I never really told the truth as I saw it as pointless and going through a longer question process. I walked out of the room because I knew more business had to be done. I got into my car, and I was off to the deeper part of the woods to find him. We soon met up under the old statue under the Wellness center.

"Marine, I just want to know if my sister is-" I grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the building. Anger overtook my emotions and the color of my eyes, "It's because of you she's like this!" I screamed at him rage, not caring whether he couldn't breath or not as my grip tightened. I saw blood oozing out of his neck as he struggled to speak I lightened up a little.

"I'm sorry- Rosen!" He tried to say to me. Franny had given away our location and let Sean steal our baby. I couldn't stand him now, he had to die, and it had to be right here and right now, even if no one is looking or is looking.

"Franny you'll pay! I could lose my future wife! My kid! Do you know my problems that I'm having, and that you have ruined my life!?" I couldn't express all of my feelings in one single sentence since my emotions just exploded like I couldn't ever imagine. I threw Franny on the ground and smashed his head into the pavement, blood smearing everywhere.

"Screw you." I cried out, trying not to let my tears get the best of me, though I knew they were going to. I sat down on the ledge of the fountain, lighting up a cigarette next to Franny's dead body. "Rosen?" Jackson looked at me with shock in his eyes.


"Are you ok?" He hesitated to ask me, as I could tell he was fearful of me. Good. "Do I look ok?" I honestly asked him, like I actually cared about what he had to say. "Well you k-killed someone! That's someone's baby! And you fiancé's brother!" He let all of these words blurt out of his mouth like a gossiping teenage girl.

"I know." I didn't say ashamed, I kept puffing on my cigarette, spitting on the ground. I couldn't stand this kid. He had no valid purpose with my family. All he was, was a waste of space to me, and to Julia. I don't know what she see's in him, he isn't exactly the perfect boyfriend; then again neither was I.

I kissed the ring on my finger, but without Jackson looking. Just letting you know I love you Lissi. I did this for you, and only for you. I only cared about her, and this is a first time which made me shocked. Why did I care about a woman this much? I use to never be like this. I swallowed hard as Jackson opened his mouth again.

"Why are you like that?" He looked at me as if I were a monster under his bed. Which I could be. "Like what?" I responded in a monotone voice. He got a little shaky, "You use to jump from girl to girl, and I feel like... You still do it." He struggled to say; knowing I was angry and didn't want to be messed around with him.

"What." I hissed at him. My eyes beamed into his as he backed away from me. I balled my fists, trying to restrain myself from punching him in the face and killing him too. His eyes got big with fear, which I knew that had been from me and my responses. I saw Julia run up behind him, hugging his arm.

"Jackson- What the hell! You killed Franny!?" She looked at both of us. "No, Rosen did." Jackson pointed to me, and I gave Julia a smirk. I was pretty proud of myself, but I could never tell anybody that. I put out my cigarette on the ground, rolling my eyes at the thought of my kid and future wife are still out there.

"Rosen, why are you smirking?! What do you think Lissi will say about this?!" She started freaking out, and asking like 21 questions. We're not in high school anymore, or the human race of a world. It's survival of the fittest, and you have to survive, or die trying. "Rosen please don't go back to being like this! You are a good guy!" Julia pleaded. It was already too late.

"Oh well." I shrugged off what she said, as I didn't really care anymore. If it was going to be just me, I might as well never even bother to try and please people. I spit on the ground, then rolling my eyes at Julia as her mouth hung open with shock.

"You should really close your mouth, bugs might fly in." I teased, even though now was not the time.


*Read me:*(Author's Note)*

Good day or goodnight my Vintagers! Haven't updated in like three days so here it is! Finally! Though as I'm writing this it's only private to me c; Lol... Not for long... See now you're reading it... I find this really creepy now. ILY I hope you're having a wonderful day and or night!


Quote of the part:

"I miss you. The old you... The new one sucks."

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- UnKnownVintage


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