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I know. You are probably going to skip this like all the author's note. Still, as the author, it is my duty to warn you. It is up to you whether to read it or not. 

First: This is a rough draft. I will not edit until the entire book is finished. But all the comments you have given will be noted down and I will change it when I am sitting down to edit.

I am in the editing phase as of now. So many things are bound to get changed. Like new chapters will be added and many parts will be cut out. And if you see two chapters with the same number, note that I am editing (rewritting a few chapter) the story. Things are bound to be changed. Please bear with me. 

Second: This story is written in third person multiple. Many people will tell the story. But do not worry, the character index is there at the end of the book if you have forgotten any character. 

Third: All chapters are around 3.5-4k words. They are quite big compared to other Wattpad books. 

I do love constructive criticism. Though I might frown at the moment, the next day I will think about it and make the corrections that are needed. 

Yes, as a high fantasy novel, this will contain poems. (Deal with it.) The book opens with a poem. And all are written by me.

There might be a novella and a novelette for this one called the 'Ballad of Winter' and 'Elegy of Autumn'. You can see both in my profile. It is advisable to read them along with this, but not a compulsion. But again, those books are too rough drafts.

I really must thank rinkworks, for many names in my book are taken from there.

I have a very tight schedule and I will try to update as frequently as possible. If I miss any time it will be because of my exams(so excuse me) and I will make up for it.  

Any questions, comment me or P.M me!

Also, I have zero percent tolerance for plagiarism.  

I really do not see the point in copying others stories for you are stealing their dreams.  

But if I see some copy of my work in Wattpad or anywhere else, I'll ruin your life and haunt you in your dreams till you brawl your eyes for my mercy. It cannot be reproduced or copied by any vile means the world have found, namely technology.

Books in this series: (Found in the external link below)

#0.2 The Ballad of Winter (completed)

#0.8 The Elegy of Autumn (completed)

#1 Winter's Dance (completed)

#2 Spring's Tale (ongoing)

Last but not the least, this is a work of pure fiction. The characters and the events portrayed are fictitious. Any similarity to people is pure coincidence.

Copyrights included.(obviously) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Winter's Dance (#1 Ruthen Quartet)Where stories live. Discover now