Ch-14. Cahira

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I am editing. Many things are getting changed. So I would ask you to have a little patience? Do not forget to read the last A/n. I know you will skip it, but it will not hurt to read ya know....

The Brightest Star

The Brightest Star

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The cool winds played with her blonde hair. The setting sun made the green grass to sparkle and the river waters to glisten. Autumn leaves started to fall on her, from the wood apple tree she was sitting beneath. The earth was becoming cold, and the rains have already begun.

The forest green dress she wore, highlighted her emerald eyes. She smiled at the peaceful sight of her kingdom and closed her eyes to savour that moment. After all, it was not always her protectors left her alone.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the little boy who came running towards her. Behind him, Kale came walking casually. The serenity was visible on his features. The sun might have shattered into a million pieces, but he might still have that unusual peace within him. That was one of the million things she loved about him.

The little boy was the first to reach her, his black hair much like his uncle, who was walking behind him, was flowing back. His face was red from running, and he looked fresh.

"Ma, see. I learn how make a fish hook," Neron said, his eyes dancing. She was his mother figure.

"Well, that is a strong hook," she said. When Kale came, she glared at him. He was supposed to teach him how to spar and not how to fish.

"Cahira. Leave it be, love. He is only five. Let him grow and enjoy his childhood and then we will teach him how to fight," he said, understanding why she gave him the glare. He always understood her.

"He may be only five, but with the coming war he needs to survive," she said. Kale smiled at her. He sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Neron, do not go too far. Stay within my sight," she called out to him as he ran across the meadow, chasing an autumn butterfly.

"Yes mama," he shouted back.

"You worry about him unnecessarily, Cahira," he said looking at the orange sun.

"I can see that you are taking care of him so well, that I need to keep an eye on you and not him," she retorted.

The swallows resting on the tree started humming a beautiful song, a song that lifted her spirits. Soon the other birds wide and far answered that call. The evening sky was vibrating with those birds' melody. The clouds above were darkening, announcing that they are ready for another shower and the mellifluous evening blended into a disturbed twilight.

"It is going to rain soon. Better get back to your house before you are drenched," Kale said enjoying the gentle breeze that was teasing his hair. Of course, he loved the rains. He was the high noble of Icathus. Rain and farming were the next important thing after the war there.

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