Ch-31. Caelin

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I think I finally found an updating schedule! I might update every Sunday. I will try to keep it up, but I might miss because of my school. Anyway, enjoy!

P.S Look at the end of the chapter for the meaning of the language used.

A Debt


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She spun around and kicked her opponent in the gut. Clutching her abdomen, Dawn screamed and fell. Her blond hair strewn over her face, as her eyes glowed vividly.

A smirk lighted Holia's lips as she straddled Dawn. "Look, what we have here. You are so weak, Dawn." She leant and whispered in Dawn's ear, "You cannot even put me down you want to put General Cahira down? Nice aim."

Glowering, Dawn brought her legs up and using her knees, she knocked Holia. The sudden movement jerked the female assassin that her grip on Dawn's pinned hands released. Using this, the blond fighter punched Holia and stood up.

"I sensed a tension there," Caelin commented, in a low voice.

"You know, that's my wife you are talking about," Lyette retorted.

"Admit it, you felt a spark," he chortled.

Lyette rolled her eyes and went back to sharpen her arrows. The training room was empty except for them. The weapons were kept in their respective places after their use. Broken shards of pink whetstones was scattered on the floor. The grey mat on which the two women were fighting had drops of crimson, which gave an appearance of tiny red roses.

The room was dark, save for a few torches. The door was the only way air came in. Brilliantly, Lyette had shut that door. He massaged his forehead. He had better thing to do, rather than to sit and babysit a power hungry woman. But her fights were highly entertaining.

She managed to irritate Holia by coming back repeatedly. He wondered from where she got that strength. The strength to come back again, when people say they are not worth.

Dawn found her sword and held it in her right arm. He could tell she was not used to carry heavy thing in her right. Her stance slopped down and she exerted too much unwanted pressure holding it up.

"Shift the sword back to your left, Dawn," he commanded.

"My palm is slit," she hissed back.

He rose his eyebrows at smirking Holia. She shrugged.

"She needs to learn to wield in both her hands, Caelin," she said, as she stalked her prey.

He closed his eyes and went towards Dawn. He opened his eyes to see her flarring at him. Ignoring her meaningful look, he lifted her top and tore a strip. Her top came up by a few inches.

Dawn rose an eyebrow. "Well, if you wanted to strip me, I would rather have you strip me naked."

Rolling his eyes, he took her left hand. Her skin was so soft. It was meant to hold quills needlework, not weapons. Without commenting, he wound her palms.

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