Ch-21. Caelin

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Hey there! A chapter from Caelin's Pov. If you have noticed, his name was indeed mentioned many times before. Have fun reading this from his point of view.

Guess what? *hides face* another poem. Yay! I know. I did not plan to write a poem every ninth chapter, but I think I might do it. *takes notes*

Check out the song above. It comes in a movie, some might know. I might have taken it for a folk song. Without further delay, you can read the chapter. The song above is for the desert part of the chapter. :)

Deal With Darkness

Deal With Darkness

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He fiddled with his dagger. The humid Jarhea was filled with people. The lunch dragged on painfully. Chefs were shouting, food was thrown and the ones seated to eat did everything else other than to eat.

He looked at his food. The roasted mutton and the rice ought to have brought him some appetite, but it repulsed him. The food had the nutrients his body needed but he could not force it down. He just drank the water and closed his eyes.

"Are you not going to inform our master, Caelin?" Lyho asked, stuffing himself with a spoon of rice. As much as cruel Lyho was, he ate the food that came only from plants. "That Diryn betrayed us?"

He rolled his eyes. This was the exact reason why he never had lunch with the other assassins.

"What do you what me to do?" he spat. "Tell our master and get a reply that he already knew?"

"Relax. I just asked you a question," Lyho grumbled. "You could have just answered me like a normal human, man."

"And like a normal human, you could've just shut your mouth." He closed his eyes again. If anyone disturbed him, he would run his dagger through their heart.

How he wished Blayke was here. That man knew when to talk to him. The last time Caelin saw him was when he left Blayke with the twins. Since then, he neither saw the twins nor did he see Blayke.

The familiar scent of the sea surrounded his senses. The spice in the air slowly ebbed away as the lunch got over. He heard shuffling and assassins left Jarhea.

He hated anything with life. More specifically he hated anything that spoke when he did not want it to speak. Now that no one was there, he relaxed. Gannets were calling out, singing a song to the Thyssil Sea.

"Caelin, Master is looking for you," Holia said, walking in Jarhea. "Mari! Get my lunch."

"Why is that Holia?" He opened his eyes.

"How do I know? I just came from Enos and Hyder informed me to call you." She waved at Mari who brought her food. "Apparently they tried searching you."

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