Ch-54. Chavva

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Hey there! My exams got over and I fished this out. Haha. Only two more to go! I am super excited for this. You can consider this as a filler, but it is like a closing statement for them(They will appear in the upcoming series).

Let's jump into this!

Tune of Soul

Tune of Soul

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She wrung her fingers as the image burned a picture in her mind. Biting her lips, she lowered her gaze and tended to the cakes Katrina had asked her to make. The moonlight flushed across her backyard. As much as it was lovely to see, her heart tore open.

This was the exact reason why she never let her guards down. Trystan was smirking and Amara was blushing slightly as they emerged from the stable. He whispered something in her ear and she laughed brightly. At least, her friend was happy.

The cakes were never so perfect. The aroma of chocolate and the white cream came flawlessly.

Feeling a scrutinising stare on her back, she took the cakes and turned slowly. "What is it, Aeron?"

His red eyes softened. "I wonder why."

"Why what?"

"Why do you keep hurting?" he asked.

"Who said I was hurting?" she said. The red cherries on the cake smiled brightly.

"You can lie to them, Chavva," Aeron sighed. "But not to me. I can quite literally see your aura. It is all gloomy and sad."

Without answering, she walked out of her house with two trays, each in one hand. Answering those questions would no doubt hurt her more. Her cheeks contracted, but she willed it to relax. She bit her lips hard and blinked her eyes fast. The pain on her lips made the ache in her heart to disappear.

Caralea came out, wearing a grass green dress, fussing over her sister. "Hello, there, Chavva!"

Stretching her lips into a smile, "Hey to you too! Can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?" Caralea asked, holding her sister's hand.

"Could you get a bunch of dill from your garden? Einad asked for it," she said.

"Sure," she said. "Is that the last batch of cakes?"

"Yes," she smiled. "Others have gone to the square already."

Two children ran past them, the younger boy trying to catch the older girl who was darting on her nimble feet.

Raven came out of her house and the children stopped when they saw her. She whispered something in the girl's ears as the girl smiled and ran to do what she said. Confused, the boy followed her.

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