Ch-16. Trystan

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Hey! I felt like updating so there! And not to mention my exams are starting so the next update might be at the very end of this month or at the beginning of August. A big thank you to all my readers who are sticking with me. :)

I have no idea why, but I was listening to that song above as I rewrote this chapter.



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He saw her slump down on the opposite chair. Weariness was visible on her pale face. She looked like a withered flower, but for him, she was an angel sent from the heaven. He could not but thank her numerous times, for what she was doing for him. For Aeron.

"You must drink the soup I am making for you, Chavva. You need your health back," ordered Amara.

"Give me water first," came out Chavva's weak voice.

With his nimble feet, he got up and fetched her water. The past two and a half weeks had been hell for him. The fever that struck Aeron started to fade away only by last night. All the while, Chavva had sat in the room with Aeron and somehow brought his heart to beat again.

"Here." He gave her the water. She mumbled a thank you and drank the water as though she had never tasted that liquid in her life.

He looked into her eyes. It was not exactly lilac. The proportion of purple dominated the pink. Though not visible like the capillaries that were playing with each other on her winter skin, there were subtle bags under her eyes.

Her eyes pleaded with him not to open his mouth when Amara was nearby. And he obliged. After all, he owed her.

When he heard the faint humming from the kitchen, he susurrated, "Did he die?"

"Yes," she confided. "Aeron did die ten days ago. But how would you know? I never saw you enter that room."

He hung his head and admitted, "I saw him every night. Seven days ago, when I saw him, his skin was lifeless, and his heart was beating slow. So slow that I thought that he would die any moment. So I rushed out."

She smiled. That was one thing he liked about her. She never stopped smiling even when the fates demanded her not to. "He survived because of you."


"Yes, you. When his heart was faltering, I did not know how to anchor his soul. So I started talking to him. And his lips broke a faint smile when he heard your name. I felt his soul searching for you. And you meeting him that night is what brought him alive. He felt that there was someone who was waiting for him to get up." She spoke in a soft voice. Soothing and comforting. "I did nothing. I just brought him from death while you saved him. You saved his soul Trystan."

Her answers left him speechless. It took one whole minute for him to collect his thoughts to ask the question that was bothering him.

"You deserve to know, Trystan. That's why I gave away my secret. For when he awakens, his little visit to the Volney will make sure he is not the same. As a friend you need to help him." He noticed how she used the word Volney for referring to the Land of Dead like nothing. "Amara knows about me. After all, I healed her the same way. You can be non-secret about my gift to her, but do not say her that Aeron had died."

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