Ch-6. Cahira

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Well, there is another chapter apart from this that might be added (There might be more). I am not saying anything now. But this chapter is to introduce you to Ophra. To those who read the first draft, you know what happens to Ophra, and I want you all to know something about her. 

This chapter is dedicated to my awesome reader @lilschraederava525 for being so supportive in Wattpad as well as Sweek! You're awesome!

This chapter is dedicated to my awesome reader @lilschraederava525 for being so supportive in Wattpad as well as Sweek! You're awesome!

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"Why is she not back?" Cahira Yithare muttered as she hugged herself. "I knew I shouldn't have shouted at her, but she was getting on my nerves. Now she is not coming back home."

The sun had set hours before it should have. Yet, the sky withheld splay of colours, the swirls of red and orange being the dominant. It was a matter of seconds before the cool night marched in and fixed the canvas with deep blue.

"Cahira," Ophra said softly, as she came next to Cahira and wrapped an arm around her. "Your sister cannot hate you that much. As sisters you are bound to fight. But that does mean she would hate you. Avantika loves you so much. She just wants to stay a few more days with her aunt. What is wrong in that? Don't you see Piroska and me fight all the time? Don't we make up?"

Cahira's third protector, Piroska rolled her eyes from the table she was standing next to. "Seriously, Ophra? We are a bad example!"

"Better than mine, anyway," Taryn muttered.

"At least you have one," Sefine commented. When Taryn rose her eyebrows, she quickly defended, "At least you have a step-sister."

"I agree with Sefine on this," Estelle chimed, as she entered Cahira's quarters. "Neither do I have a sister."

Cahira glared at her five protectors. "You are not helping. If anything, you all are making me more miserable."

Ophra left her and went to take her seat next to Piroska. Those two were as close as any sister, but they were best friends, who were there for each other despite the circumstances.

Clearing her throat, Taryn stood up from the chair she was sitting on and went towards the table on which the map of Yerinah was pinned. Cahira glanced at her knights and then stared out of the window.

If she strained her eyes, she could see the shimmering waters of the Thyssil Sea through her window. That sight used to give her peace when her art and carvings could not. Now, even that could not quell the uneasiness that settled in her chest. Next to her on the pillow was the letter her sister had sent to her.

It was a brief one stating she was going to spend a fortnight at their aunt's place. Though it did give her assurance that her sister was safe, she could not shake away the feeling. With King Taimore's army outside Yerinah, she could not help but worry.

"Pretty soon, you will have worry lines all over your face and Kale will leave you," Estelle said nonchalantly. "We do not want that, do we?"

Cahira looked at the blue-eyed woman and narrowed her eyes. "I can't even worry about my sister now?"

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