Ch-19. Cahira

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Hey! I know I am updating two days after the said date. The reason is, My exams have started again. I know. I will try my level best to keep up with my updating schedule. There are a lot of changes made in this book and I will explain it later. For now, enjoy!

A Disastrous Dinner


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Some things you need to know before you start reading this chapter. Think it as a guide!

Yithares are the ruling family of the kingdom Yerinah. Any more doubts, click the external link :)

Kaisra Yithare: Mother of Lord Arkyn Yithare  

Arkyn Yithare and Falisha Yithare: current Lord and Lady of Yerinah

              -Cahira Yithare: the heir to the throne of Yerinah and the kingdom's finest general

              -Avantika Yithare: second daughter

              - Xia and Pavan Yithare: the twins, the third and the fourth children respectively.


The wine glass was about to shatter in her hand. Her form froze the second her mother read the news aloud. The fork from her right hand clattered on the porcelain plate placed before her. Her food was half-finished.

"Pass me the onions." A nasal voice cut through her haze.

Her head snapped up like a deer that caught the leopard stalking it.

"What?" she whispered.

"I said, 'pass me the onions'," her grandmother commanded. "Are you deaf now?"

She kept staring at her grandmother, who was seated at the left end of the table.

Cahira heard herself say in a distant voice, "I am not deaf. How..."

"How what?"

"How could you behave like nothing has happened?" Cahira bellowed. "My sister, your granddaughter, Avantika is kidnapped by Dyiq-lye. If your memory still aides you, grandmother you would know that no one taken by them returns alive. Now you are asking what is wrong with me? She is supposed to return from Khione two weeks ago! Who knows where she is!"

Xia was looking solemnly at her plate; despite finishing her dinner, she did nothing to move. She too, like the others was in a state of shock after their mother had read such a terrible news. For someone who made sure his opinion was heard, even Pavan too remained silent.

Avantika had been their favourite sibling. She was the one who resolved the problems between them. At times, she behaved like the elder one, advising Cahira.

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