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"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips." - Unknown

DEDICATION: LissieTheDinosaur for the support! I always look forward to seeing your votes and comments. Thank you, love!

The credit for the first bit of this conversation goes to the lovely @WiggleMeHigh!

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"Hey, optometristan! You know what's fatter than a balloon? Your face!"

"Excuse me?"

"Bow down to the- wait a minute, who am I speaking to?"

"This is optomeTRISTAN's father speaking."

"Oh... peanuts."

"Who are you and what are your intentions with my son?"

"I- uh- erm- we're not da-"

"I'm just kidding, I'm not a regular dad. I'm a cool dad!"

"Mean Girls reference! Gotcha."

"But I still don't know who you are."

"Oh! I- I'm Faith, Tristan's gir- FRIEND! Friend. We're just friends."

"Just friends? Are you sure about that?"

"Er, no comment. I mean no disrespect, but why did you pick up?"

"Because I work here?"

"Oh, touché. But aren't you and Tristan moving to-"

"Italia? Sì, ragazza di Tristan."

"Er yep, I'll just nod along and pretend to understand what you just said. Anyway, what can I do to change your mind, Mr Tristan's dad?"

"Faith, everything's all set in stone by now."


"Sorry, but I'm not changing my mind."

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A/N: No update tomorrow or Tuesday, since I'll be on a Biology camp. I won't have any WiFi or service, so I will not be contactable in any way. You'll be seeing a 'Begging To Differ' update (which I have to write on camp arghhhh) when I get back on Tuesday. Get excited!

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