Girl Meets Outburst

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Chapter 31

Logan's pov

I tuned out as Shawn went on and on about how him and Cory met.

"And then he fell-"

"Shawn! I don't care!" I told him and he put his hand over his heart.

"Well then!"

"Sorry, I'm just stressed." I sighed. "Weird love thing."

He chuckled, "Please, love? You're fourteen."

"You wouldn't understand."

"I can understand that you're too young to know what love actually is."

I sat up and crossed my arms as he got a water bottle.

"Oh yeah?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows. "I don't think I'm too young."

"If you have to go through all of this to decide then it's not love." he opened the water bottle and took a sip, then said, "You'll know when you're in love."

I sat back down on the bed, "Maybe you're right."

"Logan, enjoy being young for now. You have time to grow up, enjoy this time."

I smiled, "Thanks Shawn."

"Anytime," he sat down in front of me on the office chair in the hotel, "now we have a situation."

"What?" I asked.

"I am going on another trip, until Christmas. I'll be traveling the world, taking pictures-"

"You're leaving me!?" I jumped up angrily.

"Not necessarily."

"Huh?" I asked and he gestured for me to sit back down.

I sat back down and put my hands in my lap, trying not to have another outburst.

"I want you to come with me," he smiled, "only if you want to."

"Wait, but then I'll leave my friends." I said.

He sent me a sad smile, "I know. It's up to you. Cory and Topanga said they would watch you if you don't want to go, but if you do you'll be home schooled, have help with tutors, everything you need."

"Oh." I sighed.

"I need to know by Friday." he told me and I nodded.

Stay with my friends?

Or go with Shawn?



I turned around and saw Farkle.

"Hey Farkle." I smiled and he ran to my side.

"Where are you heading?"

"Topanga's, like always." I told him and he nodded.

"Good, I'm heading there as well."

I nodded and we walked in silence for a few seconds, but then he broke.

"I'm sorry about yesterday and what I said-"

"Farkle," I cut him off, "don't be. I'm glad you told me how you feel."

"Have you made your decision?" he asked and I sighed.

"No, sorry."

He nodded, "Take your time."

We walked into Topanga's and Zay approached me.

"I want to be in this love thing too!"

"Huh?" I asked.

"With you, Farkle, Lucas, Riley, and Maya!" he counted off with his fingers. "A...five love shape!"

"Zay you are making no sense." I told him.

"I love you too! I wanna be included too!" he stomped his foot.

"Zay leave Logan alone!" Maya snapped.

Riley grabbed my hand and pulled me over to her and Maya.

"She's our child! Leave her alone!" she started petting my hair and hugging me.

I looked over and saw Maya and Zay arguing and Lucas and Farkle glaring at each other.

They still haven't made up.

"That's it!" I snapped and got out of Riley's grip.

I walked over to Lucas and Farkle.

"I want you two back to being best friends again! I just want everything back to normal!" I yelled at them.

"Log-" Maya started.

"Why did things have to change?" I asked frustrated and looked at everyone.

I got no response.

I looked back and Farkle and Lucas, "I'll make a decision by Friday, ok?" I told them.

They nodded silently and I walked out, past Josh, then ran back to the hotel, trying not to cry but failing.

I ran up the stairs, not bothering taking and elevator, then ran into the hotel room.

"Logan?" Shawn asked.

I hugged him and cried into his shirt.

"Hey, calm down," he tried to calm me down, but it didn't work. "Can I buy you clothes to make it better?" he asked.

"No." I hiccupped. "Just stay here."

"I'm right here." he reassured me.


Ok, so I won't be on much this weekend, I am going to my first lacrosse tournament! Yay! That's why I wanted to updated this. So you guys would actually have something to read.


How was the chapter? Logan has two decisions to make now! But one of them is obvious, right?

Next chapter is the biggest chapter. Girl Meets Logan Meets Lucas Meets Logan Meets Farkle Meets Logan Meets Zay Meets Logan Meets Josh Meets Logan (Or Girl Meets Logan Meets Boys)

Anyways, what do you think Logan's decision is? And do you guys want me to base a chapter off of Girl Meets High School Part 1 and 2? Tell me in the comments!

Thanks for reading! Please vote! :)

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