chapter 9

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hey there beauty queens

Cara Brooks up there 👆👆

Now I'll leave you for the chapter 😉



the elevator door opened and I stepped out as soon as I got out my eyes lied on the blonde boy i squeal out of happiness

it's tom .

oh my god he actually came

It feels so good to actually see a familiar and just the thought that he actually came to see me as he promised made me way beyond happy .

he is wearing a slim dark blue jeans and a white polo t-shirt .

me being me without thinking i ran to him opening my arms like a little child who just saw mini mouse alive , he laughed at me and opened his arms and i ran into his arms and he gave me a tight hug....

so dramatic i know but I'm just happy to see someone familiar .. someone feels like home you know because I actually have no one here in Seattle .

"rose ...i missed you " tom said with his chin on my head

after breaking the hug he looks at me with happy friendly eyes. He then took my hand in his and spin me slowly so that he can see the whole new me

"wow ,rosabella you look beautiful , a business woman sexy type " he said looking amused, making me blush

"you're here tom , i missed you " i told him smiling warmly at him

" i know i know your little run said it all " he said laughing shaking his head and I laugh lightly

" what a dramatic move hah ! i was watching this indian movie the other day and this girl had to run into her best friend's arms and embrace him because he was travelling and he looked really hot i don't even know this two can be just friends but he was crying for some reason you know he found out that she wil....." i was cut when tom's arm was on my shoulder pulling me to his chest my head rested on his vibrating chest , he is laughing so hard .

" god i miss you " he said while laughing

i know what you think , what is it about me and tom all hugging but i guess that distance proves values Because now I realise how I missed​ him and this only proves to me how I actually value his friendship


we were in my office sitting on the couch and I was telling him what happened with me this week and all , then his eyes saw the black jacket on the small coffee table in front of us , he moved forward and took a hold of it then turned to me raising and eyebrow and it made me realize that I forgot to give it back to Williams .

what will he say about me now ?

"it's not yours for sure" he said smilling a teasing - knowing smile that got me blushing

" it's mr william's " I told him quitly

" really " he said smirking and again I blush and I know that he'll need some kind of information​ about what is the jacket of my boss is doing here

But I can't tell him now because I first need to give the jacket back before i forget

" i will explain every thing i promise but first let me give it back to him before i forget " i told him my thoughts and stood and went to my desk and calles loren desk , she answers shortly

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