chapter 58

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hey babies so as promised here you go the chapter🥰

so get ready because things are about to spice up real freaking soon  🔥🔥

you all might not handel the next three to four chapters because finally somethings will reveal themselves, others will be kept a secret .


No word in the whole English language history can't ever describe this man and just the thought that he doesn't realize how handsome he actually is or he knows but doesn't show it in both ways it's a turn on because he is that humble. he's walking with so much confidence , that confidence with that face which says that you can't mess with me ,while buttoning his one button jacket and looking around him he succeeded in getting the attention of all the women in the room , they are eye raping him which angered me

he's mine , no other woman has the right

i bit my lip and shamelessly check him out , his eyes met mine and a smile took it's place on his face then he looks away while biting his lip to stop the laugh

woops ! was it that obvious that i'm checking him out ?

he looks at me again and i can't help but laugh as he stood beside me and i remembered leaving him but he didn't react till now

i guess because we didn't have any time alone

"honey where were you ?" his mother asked him as he took a seat on my left and locked eyes with me

"taking care of something mother , don't worry " he told her and turned giving her an assured smile and she nodes

the tables are in circular shape so it's Eric then Elli then it's Sara and Andrew beside them is blue but without Ian then lizy then an empty chair then me and williams then again eric beside williams

"where is dad ?" williams asked as he relaxes in his seat and places his hand on my exposed thigh making me gasp from the surprise contact but i kind of knew he'd do that just to tease me as i did to him

wait did he just say dad ?

i've never met his dad before

nor he ever mentioned him

what if he's not like lizy , blue or eric or even williams ?

what if he thought that i'm a low class ?

or that i'm a gold digger !

what if he's cold with strangers like williams !!

oh my god !

i've never met or saw him but for a man who own all of that place and the companies and the hotels and god knows what else , he sounds intimidating

"he has to take care of some business , i just hanged up with him and he's on his way " eric told williams who nodded

"buonasera guys " a fimilar sound said which made me shiver in the bad way

uh oh ! please not be him

i turned my head and it's him , beside him is Antonio alone without Rosaline

Antonio gave me a warm smile which i returned then he made his way to me , he's in an elegant navy suit , he looks good

"rose ...buonasera mio signora " antonio told me and he grasped my hand and gently kissed the back of it i blushed and smiled back but noticed how Williams hand tighten on my thigh

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