chapter 19

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Hey there lovies
outfits 👆🏻
Enjoy 😉


I ended up falling asleep after long long thoughts but my unstoppable ringing phone finally succeeded in waking me up , It has been ringing for the past thirty minutes but yeah I'm that lazy to pick up

I was making the attempt to move and grab it from the night stand beside the bed but the sudden sting of pain that shooted me in my neck stopped me

Ouch !! That hurts , u again tried to move my neck but it hurts so much ,I guess I slept at a wrong position or something, with a little struggling I reached the phone when it read his name I answered immediately already feeling my heart beating out of my chest

"Rosabella !! Thank god ..That was the nearest thing to a Heart attack " he said before I can even speak , exhaling in relieve

What ?

Why is he that worried ?

"Hey...Are you okay ? What's wrong ? " I asked him sleepy

"are YOU okay ? You got me so worried...I was on my way to you rose " he said with more relaxed voice now

Why was he worried ??

Did he say that he was on his way here ?

My goddess was suddenly alarmed and she stood on the couch and start pounding up and down like a little child waiting for ice cream

"Y-yeah....Why wouldn't I be not okay..I-i mean I'm fine..I just felt asleep when I was trying to study , that's all " I told him honestly and hear him sigh in relief

I'm still slightly confused as into why he was worried like that ?

"I called ten times and when you didn't pick up I really got worried.......You have a hapit of making me worried sick , you noticed this by now ? It's all because of the sleep you get " he said the last sentence with humour and I can almost see him in front me , how he smiled and the way his dimple deepens when he does , it made me laugh

"I'm sorry " I apologized

"No don't be....You felt asleep and that's no crime , I was calling you sleepy head to tell you about the time I'll pick you up tomorrow "he said and I smile

He just call me sleepy head

I think I'm going apps ..or maybe if I continued this way I will become so soon ..Yeah I mean if I focused on every word Williams will have to say I will so soon be a mad woman

"Past repeating itself I see " I told him smiling referring to the first time he ever called me for 22 times and got worried , that time too he was calling to tell me the change of time and when he'll pick me up

"I know I know , but trust me if I could go in past or repeat history I would've changed something " he said and I feel curious as into what would he want to change

"Humm......and what is that thing that you'd want to change ? " I asked him smiling

"You know back then you were standing in front of me with only a towel...A short one and me like an idiot jut stood there only gawking at you....I would've changed that "he said with a silver husky voice like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel​

Mamma Mia !

I feel like I'm gonna explode any second from the huge amount of heat I'm feeling at the moment , my heart is thumbing out of my chest so fast ready to break free

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