chapter 39

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Hey there lovely people 😊

How y'all doing ? I hope ur fine and happy and at peace cause this chapter needs inner peace  😂😂 .

I honestly love this chapter not only this chapter but the the upcoming few ones too .

That's quite an important chapter .

You should probably read it and focus in every word written .

So the pic is up there 👆.

**Guys please don't be just a silent reader .. comment every thought u have and I'll reply , vote to help me stand my ground and follow please .

Enjoy 😘


So everyone always wonders where heaven lies ? Right ?
wether heaven even exists or not ?

well ... today i've been answered , guys heaven is there ...

it's actually here at william's place . I swear I mean it literally .

well let me start from the begining till this moment .

Flash back

the car took a path which lead to a new fancy neighbourhood , it's only new to me since i'm new in seattle but nevertheless the luxurious palaces and mansions or even the buildings never seemed to stop amazing me .

at the end of the street is a huge metal gate and on both sides of the gate are big rocky walls marking the land which i don't know how big it might be , the place looks in powered and intimidating .

blake drove then stopped in front of the gate and start entering a code on the touch screen which is on the side of the metal gate , slowly the metal gates started opening , we passed the gate and awaiting us was a long drive way .

cedar trees on both side of the drive way was a fine view to greet me specially since each are separated probably .

finally a building came in view more like a tower it's huge and tall like maybe 100 floor or something , it's all silver too and the place around the building
Is all full of acer rubrum trees arranged regularly beside each others but what behind those trees that surrounds the building that took my breath away it's a wide green garden more like a golf garden with all green and benches there .. the landscape looks mesmerizing .

wow !!
what a natural beautiful weather and environment to live around !!

god !! all i wish is to live on this garden not more ..

See how good and not arrogant I am !

i kept waiting for blake to pull over or come to a stop so that we could go into the building but that never happened , he kept driving till he stopped in front of the building facing some strange tall machine​ that looked like a ATM kind of machine after entering a code suddenly a door few foot away from us opened ... well to be saying it fairly it was more like a metal wall slided upwards exposing some kind of a silver room or a garage maybe I don't really know ... All I know is that I'm feeling butterflies in my tummy .

blake drove till we got into this room/garage then entered another code on another touch screen beside the car .

what's with them and the codes !!

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