chapter 37

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Hey there guys 

Hope y'all enjoy the story so far 

I'd like to thank the beautiful @alma1211  for the huge support she's giving me .

Here ya go the chapter .

Enjoy it.


you know this moment when you keep staring at yourself in the mirror and wondering that if you moved will this person in front of you which is supposed to be you  will move too ? and if it moves does this means that it's really you ?

Never have you had one of these moments ??

Just me ...

Okay fine

well anyway i'm having one of those moments which appears to happen just to me .

i'm staring at what supposed to be my reflection or better I say my new version that beki made and i can't warp my mind around how did this transformation Happened , I was this low but now I'm that high .

i'm wearing the black dress and the panties beki bought me as well , the dress from the front has a nice big gab that only makes a slight part of the inner sides of my breasts on view but it made nothing to hide my   boobs good size which I appreciate , but then there is this long .. really long slit from the top of my right thigh till the ground making my full tall creamy leg on view but that's not only it , you see the dress is backless as y'all know so half of my back is exposed too .

Honestly it's the first time for me to wear something that revealing but I like it , I like how sexy I look in it , I like the daring and the clear seducing in the dress , Because... Well , I wanna drive Williams mad tonight and this dress will do the job just fine .

I completed the look by wearing  black sling back heels , I'm thankful for beki though , she had done a pretty good job with my hair and make up , my hair is made in a Soft Loose Waterfall Braid with sided bangs , as for my makeup she went with the matte neutral smokey eye and thin eyeliner flick and cherry red lipstick, i wore my Coco noir perfume and I'm ready.

" Just ... Give me a moment ....... i just gotta say that i'm so fucking proud with what i've done " beki said grinning as she looked at me with pride and I laughed nodding my head in agreement .

"i have to say that i'm proud of you too " i said amazed at how beautiful she made me look .

" i know  i know , look at you ..... you look like a hollywood model or something every one will be drooling over you , poor Williams " she said laughing and i blushed .

a quite knock on the door snapped us both from checking me out ,  i checked the clock on the wall  and it's six sharp

So obviously that means that this must be williams

Oh my God.oh my God.oh my god

Can I panic now ??

What if he doesn't like the dress ? Or how I look !!

Just the thought of him and seeing him finally and realizing  how much i missed him made my heart start beating out of me chest and all my muscles tens , it's as if suddenly all my organs were Alarmed and they all sat up straight .. eagerly waiting for him .. for his touch .. his presence .. or even just the voice .

Beki went to open the door for him while i went to grab the coat from the bed but didn't put it on .. beside the fact that I want him to see me with the dress first before any of e can do ..  the weather out there is pretty good and as fresh an early summer night , I'm bringing the coat just in case the weather changed .

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