chapter 50

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Hey there lovely fellas

How y'all been doing ?

The song up there ☝ goes with the chapter real good

It's Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas ft Nicki Minaj , I personally couldn't stop moving my hips to with tone while I was on bed listening to that song and writing , I just love that song you guys 😍

#warning .. so ..uhm .. this chapter has hot smut , just hot smut and nothing more .. you just wait for the end of it and I can promise you that you'll be pretty much excited .

I'll leave ya to it .

Enjoy 😘


So you remember that day when Williams took me into our first date , I said back then that this is the happiest day in my life , right .

I'd like to actually correct that info because you see today is definitely the most and absolutely happiest day in my whole entire life .

Every girl's dream is to hear the I love you sentence from the one she love , right ? For me I had always been fantasizing about that day , and my Everytime wore and question was , how would it feel ? To have the love of your life confessing to you his true feelings , I always wondered how fast will my chest beats , how will my breath hitch and the way my body and mind will react but little that I know that the actual feelings I'd feel are way different from my fantasy .

When Williams started telling me how he felt , the way I saw how nervous he is , how he was struggling with words and for the first time he let down his guards and just told me what's truly inside him , it's the first time seeing Williams struggle with words like that and he himself looked confused as into how much he loves me , his words didn't make me happy no way .. they made me dancing on clouds , my heart was beating with a rate that I didn't know exists almost breaking out of my ribcage and freeing itself from Williams torture ,my how body was shaking and I felt waves of heat hit me hard , one by another . I could never imagine myself hearing those words and seeing these emotions from someone , I couldn't imagine finding someone who'll love me that much , but I did .

One of my biggest and treasured dreams was falling in love with someone who'll love me as madly as I'll love him . Whenever I'd pray I'd ask God for three things . First to have the mercy have and pity on the soul of my father, and forgive his trespasses; and make me see him again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Second to find a man who truly loves me whom his eyes won't see any other woman but me and loves me with all he's got . Third I ask God to bliss my mother and Sonia and keep and happy and always on my life . So today God made one of my most cherished praying come true and it actually made me more of a believer , he listens .

No words can ever describe how happy and content I am , I never imagined loving someone that much but I just did and not regretting one bit of it .

Now we're all sitting inside in the living room , Williams took me on his lap , at the beginning I was stiff Because this is inappropriate , I mean his friends and there is Antonio too but then I noticed Rosalin doing the same and Andrew hugging Sara and I was like okay that's cool so relaxed .

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