chapter 71

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Hi guys, i truly missed you all.

Ik it's been too long hopefully i manage to make it up to you this time.
These coming chapters are super emotional guys since we're close to the finale.
I'll let you enjoy the ride 😉


(Williams POV)

"Where the f*ck did he go ??" I shouted at eivan while grapping him from his shirt's collar ready to beat the death out of him

He's shaking his head in defeat.

"I have no idea he was just there as far as I know literally dead "He tried to reason with me pulling my hands away from him and this made me even madder.

The f*cker ran away and no one saw him.

No one stopped him

I didn't.

I'm not sure if I'm mad at eivan or at myself because I couldn't stop him.

I pushed eivan away from me and ran my hands through my hair tugging it hard.

I can't really blame eivan because I was there too and I too let him slip away, I was too busy with Rosabella that I didn't spare him a single f*ck.

I don't know what the f*ck is wrong with me , I was never this confused and not knowing what to do, I never let my emotions take a hold of me, but flower mixed everything up. I wanted to protect her but I wanted to beat the living sh*t of that man and kill him yet I wanted to stay by her side to make sure she's fine, I depended on eivan to hit the man for me and take a hold of him or at lease tie him up and I never do that, I never depend on anyone but myself, NEVER. But she makes everything different now, I'm not the same cold hearted son of a b*tch anymore, I can't just think with my brain and leave my heart anymore, with her I need my heart before anything else. I never really knew I was capable of loving someone that much and today after feeling this huge amount of fear and terror when for a second I thought that I might lose her proved that to me, it proved to me how much in love I am and that literally if something happened to her, it would be the end of me.

Also I reconsider telling her the truth, I mean it obviously has something to do with what happened today, you might tell me that I might lose her but no I won't let that happen, she loves me as much as I love her, she'll not just leave me, right?

I can't live with this burden any longer. its f*cking killing me!

"Guys we're at the hospital, you need to lower your f*cking voices. " Andrew hissed at us both and I glared at him.

The last thing I need now is anyone f*cking lecturing me on how to act while MY girlfriend is in there and I have no f*cking idea how is she!!

I grabbed my phone and texted fin to come to me.

Currently we're at the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out and say what's wrong with Bella and yeah this is one hell of a hard time for me, I'm praying that she's fine and that he didn't touch her like that.

Not that God please.

On my way to the hospital I called both my father and her mother one after the other.

" you need to tell me what the hell is going on " I spoke with clenching teeth through the phone gripping it tightly.

"is she safe Williams ?" he asked me in an urged voice.

"Yes we're on our way to the hospital, s-she beaten up, he might have.. Oh god" I couldn't say it, I just f*cking couldn't.

"She's safe, she's with me. " I assured him and he breathed loudly

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