Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Screams filled the room. Someone yelled get down and everyone obeyed. Everyone but the intelligence unit. This was personal. Not only because it was at Jay and Erin's wedding but because they ended up shooting one of their own.

"Someone find out where that shot came from!" Voight shouted. Antonio obeyed.

"Ruzek, Atwater, get everyone to safety!" Voight ordered, "Al, call 911 and backup! Jay, put pressure on the wound!" Voight yelled at Jay. Voight ran up to Erin. 

"Erin, it's all gonna be okay, I can't lose you. Stay with me." Jay said.

"Jay keep pressure on the wound." Will ordered. "Don't move her, keep her still." Will knelt down by them.

The ambulance sirens were like music to their ears. They knew it was coming to help Erin.

"GSW to the chest. She's lost a lot of blood, lets get her couple units of blood." Will told the doctors.

"She's losing blood faster than we can get it to her. She coding! It must've hit her heart! Let's get her to an OR, now!" A doctor yelled.

Jay stood there, his head in his hands. "I could've protected her. I could've taken the bullet for her. I could've done more." Jay stumbled to a chair and fell into it.

"There's nothing you could've done. You tried your best, you helped her when she needed it. You did everything you could. Now let the doctors do their work." Will comforted his brother.

"Why aren't you in there? I trust you? I know you won't let her die, why aren't you in there!?" Jay sobbed.

"I can't be. She's family now. I'm sorry." Will hugged his brother.

A few hours later, Jay was pacing around the waiting room frantically. 

"Family of Erin Lindsay?" A doctor called.

"I'm her fiance...I'm her husband. We just got married." Jay teared up.

"Erin is in the ICU. She lost a lot of blood. The bullet did hit her heart. She coded a few times during surgery but we were able to resuscitate her. We stopped the bleeding but there was no extensive damage to the heart. She was lucky, real lucky. She is unconscious right now, but when she improves we will be moving up to a room for the time she is here. We are optimistic currently. We will update you if anything changes, but as of now, you can go sit with her. Family only, though." The doctor stated.

The doctor left and they all headed up to the ICU. When a nurse stopped and asked them if they were family, Jay responded for them. "I'm the husband, he's the foster dad, and everyone else is like a brother or sister to her."

"If they aren't really, then they can't go in." She rejected.

"They're all she has. We're all she has." Jay told her and she let them in with a sincere smile on her face.

Days later Erin was still in the ICU. With no improvements, some of their friends were losing hope but the close friends all knew she'd pull through.

Jay sat with her as everyone else was getting some shut-eye and their homes.

"People kept telling me to go home and get some sleep. I didn't tell them why I can't, but I'm gonna tell you. You may not be able to hear me, but I'm still gonna tell you. A lot of people say, home is where the heart is. My heart is with you and if you are here, I'll be here. You are my home and I'll always be right next to you. Please come back to me. Who's gonna get on my nerves and never let me drive? Who's gonna joke around with me but when things get tough comes to stand by me? Who's gonna love me like you do? Please, just come back to me." Jay cried into her hand.

"That was beautiful."

Jay jerked his head up to see if it was Erin who spoke. It wasn't. It was Burgess.

"It's the truth. I need her." Jay cried.

"She wouldn't want this, ya know. She wouldn't want you moping over her. She would want you to find the guy who did this to her and serve him justice. She would want you to keep your vow to her, the one where you said you would do exactly that." Burgess stated. "I'll sit with her, you go find the bastard who did this and make him pay."

"Thank you, Kim. I needed that." Jay hugged her and headed to the district.

"Let's find the guy who did this and nail him to the wall," Voight ordered the unit.

"What can I do?" Jay asked, walking up the steps.

"You can come with me, we're going the scene of the crime. We're gonna get this guy." Voight stated.

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