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"Yeah, everything's going fine... Due date is my birthday, April 11th. I can't wait, it's gonna be so amazing!" Erin exclaimed.

"How cool is that?" Burgess asked. "So how is Jay doing since he's been home?"

"Good. He's really struggling to accept he might not be able to do certain things anymore, but he... uh, he's really trying." Erin informed.

"That's good! So how much can he move... I know he could me his arms, a bit... and he was starting to bend at the waist, but has anything else progressed?"

"Not really, he's gotten better, for the most part. He can bend forward and backward like he could before, pretty much, although it takes a lot of ab work, which he can fully do, and he is more confident in his arms when he moves them." Erin explained.

"That's good, so how are you doing with everything?" Burgess questioned.

"I uh... I don't know. Fine. Better than him, I guess. Actually, that's a lie, it hurts so much to see him like this, to see all this pain he is in, not physically, but mentally. It hurts and I can't do anything to help him. I wish I could." Erin started, Burgess pulled her into a hug.

"Listen, I have to get going, if you ever need listening ears, or a shoulder for crying on, I'm always here, I'm always right here, don't ever hesitate to give me a call." Burgess informed.

"I won't, thank you." Erin thanked. Erin sat on the couch and waited for Will to bring Jay back from physical therapy. Erin was 3 months pregnant now, and she was starting to show. She had dozed off and woke to the door opening.

"Hey, babe, it's not safe for you to leave the door unlocked." Jay stated.

"I know, but I wasn't expecting to fall asleep." Erin stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey, Erin." Will greeted.

"Hey." She leaned over and gave Jay a hug. "How'd therapy go?"

"Fine, it went fine. My arms are getting stronger, so when I get out of this chair, I'll have some pretty strong arms, other than that, nothing's progressing much. But it still could, so that's something to look forward to." Jay explained.

"I'm glad," Erin smiled. "Thank you, Will, for taking him and bringing him back."

"I was happy to, it was fun and some nice bonding time." Will stated.

"Yeah, we got to talk things out. It was nice." Jay said, wheeling over to the couch and pulling himself onto it.

"Well look at my husband... looking so sexy when he does that." Erin smiled, walking over and sitting next to him. She kissed him on the cheek.

"So, Jay, Erin, I have something to say." Will started, "I um... I am proposing to Natalie on Friday, and I was wondering, do you guys wanna be there, I want y'all to be there."

"Are you kidding? We'd love to come!" Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah, no. Thanks for inviting us, we're so happy for you!" Erin hugged him.

"Thank, you, I'm so happy for me, too." Will cheered.

"Guys..." Jay whispered. "I can feel my legs..."

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