Written in the Stars

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"If space is what you need, then space is what you'll get. Where will you stay?" Erin asked.

"Hotel? I'll take a couple weeks off of week. But you won't see me for a bit. I'm sorry." Jay replied.

"Jay, I understand. Just, come back. If not for me, for your son." Erin stated.

"Erin, I love you too much to leave you forever. I promise, I'll come back." Jay kissed her forehead. He stood up, brushed his hand over Kota's forehead and left.

2 and a half months later...

The second the doorbell rang, Erin got up and ran over to the door. She flung it open, hoping it was the one person she hadn't seen it almost 3 months, Jay.

"Hey?" Jay smiled.

"Hey? You've been gone for almost 3 months and all you've got to say is hey? Did you even miss us? Me?" Erin questioned.

"Of course I missed you, of course. I just, I needed time to find myself. I told you that. How's Kota?" Jay asked.

"He needs his father. Ya know how hard this has been on me, raising him these first couple months, alone!" Erin argued.

"I know. But, Erin, I've realized that every time I fall and get back up, I get stronger, each time. I feel like that relates to us, I just didn't know it. I felt vulnerable and worthless when you got shot, both times. At our wedding and 2 months ago. I just needed time to figure out I wasn't and that this was written in the stars. That this was supposed to happen to make us a little bit stronger." Jay stated.

"But that doesn't make up for all time you've lost with your son." Erin shut the door as he stepped inside.

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. I just needed a few more small steps in many different directions, but I'm back. I know now that I can't compare myself to something I'll never be because I am my own person. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations, and you are my beautiful destination to my many difficult roads. Please, Erin, forgive me? I'll make it up to you!" Jay got down on his knees and grabbed her hand.

"Please don't leave me again." Erin murmured. She pulled him up and into a kiss.

"I won't," Jay whispered. "Can I go see my little man?"

"He's not so little now. Lordy, he's gotten so chubby. He eats like you!" Erin teased.

"Ha, ha. You're so funny!" Jay responded, heading back into Kota's room. He walked over to the crib to see a sleeping baby. His sleeping baby.

"He's beautiful," Erin smiled.

"Just like you," Jay agreed. "And very handsome like me."

"I mean, I guess." Erin joked. 

They kissed and Jay held her tightly, "I'm never leaving again."

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