You'rePerfect To Me

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"Erin, you have to come out eventually. I know I'm not Jay, and I know that I can't comfort you like Jay can, but I'm the next best thing. Unlock your door, let me in." Will stood outside Erin and Jay's apartment. "I'm the only Halstead you have for the next 2 months. Please, let me in. You can't stay in there until Jay gets back. Please, let me in." Will begged.

He heard the lock turn and waited a minute before entering.

Erin was curled up in a dark corner.

"Is everything okay?" Will asked.

"No, Will. I lost my baby, my husband is in Afghanistan, no, nothing is okay." Erin stated in between breaths.

"Come here," he knelt down by her and pulled her into a hug.

"Will, I feel so alone." Erin admitted.

"You're not alone. You have me, CPD, Med, CFD, and especially Jay. We'll always be here for you, through whatever sh-t you're dealing with, we'll be right next to you to help you through it." Will leaned up against the wall.

"I just want Jay back. I want my child back."

"I know, but God has a plan for us and it'll happen when it's meant to happen." Will stated, standing.

"What if it doesn't happen though? What if I'm not meant to have kids? That would kill Jay. He wants this so bad and what if I can't give that to him? I don't want to lose him." Erin frowned.

"Do you really think he'd leave you because you can't have children?" Will asked.

"Yeah, he almost did when I said I didn't want children."

"Well do you want them now?" 

"Of course. I do, and I was six months pregnant one moment and the next I wasn't. I wanted our kid so bad, I wanted her so bad. I wanted to see Jay smile when he first held our child and laugh when our baby laughed. God I want that so bad." Erin stood. "I..."

"Erin, stop. Jay wouldn't leave you. He loves you too god damn much to ever break your heart. Damn it, if he broke you're heart, he'd probably die."

"Thank you, Will, so much. You've been a real help these past months. I'm gonna get dressed and go to work. I'll see you later."

"Erin, wait. You're perfect, and if God doesn't see that and doesn't allow you to have a child, it's okay because you'll always be perfect to me." Will stated. He walked closer to her until they were just centimeters apart. He pulled her into a kiss.

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