Same Choice Every Time

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Hours later:

"You didn't exactly make a choice!" Mike argued.

"But I'd choose you every time, Mike. I love you." Erin responded.

Mike sat down, "I love you, too. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"No, Mike, you don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" He whispered, confused.

"I love you. I do, I really really do, but...," Erin started.

"But you want to be with him...?"

"No. No, stop. But I'm scared to admit it, I'm scared to tell you how much I actually love you because the last time I did, that love was ripped from me. I don't want you to be ripped from me."

"I won't be. I don't tear easily," He joked. "I'm here to stay, I promise, if you'll have me, of course."

"Of course, Mike." She kissed him and he kissed her back.

"Woah, make out session going on here, back it up...," Kate jokingly teased as she walked into the room. "I mean, I realize I am the guest here, but bedrooms are great for these," she pointed.

"I know, it's just I forgot you were staying with me and we were caught up in the moment," Erin apologized.

"No need for an apology, I forgive and forget. So you turned Jay down, you must really love this... Mike." She eyed Mike.

"I do."

"At least he's cute. Jay doesn't deserve you anyway, you are way too good to be with someone like him. Besides, I like Mike. He's positive, and he makes my best frannnnn happy!" Kate hugged Erin.

"I only want to please her," Mike smiled.

"You hurt her, I'll...," Kate started.

"Hurt me?"

"I was gonna say kill you but I guess, yeah," Kate laughed.

"Okay, well, I've gotta go pick up Lyn and Kota, I'll see you when I get back," Erin stated, leaving the apartment.

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