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10 months left.

Erin stepped out of the car and hid behind the door of the car as she pulled out her firearm.

"Put the weapon down. Let the girl go. It doesn't have to be this way!" She suggested. The guy with the gun tightened his grip around the girl's neck.

"That won't ever happen." The guy laughed.

Erin removed her vest and put her gun down.

"Take me instead. Let this girl go, she's probably got a family, someone who cares about her, take me. The only guy that loves me is in Afghanistan." Erin walked around the car door and neared him.

"Fine. Hurry up, get over here." He released the girl as soon as he got a good grip on Erin. She pulled her foot up into his groin, took his arm and put him in an arm lock. The gun was in his loose hand. There was no backup for her, she was on her own. She punched him across the jaw, but he countered it and hit her in the chest. She collapsed, but a patrol car saw from afar what was happening and sped down the road. Burgess got out of the car and back and forth shots started until everyone ran out of ammo. Tay ran after the guy who had started down the alley while Burgess knelt down by Erin.

"Erin? You okay?" She felt for a pulse. It was there but it was faint.

"We need an Ambulance, we have an officer down!" Burgess stated, pressing on the walkie button and releasing when she finished talking.

The ambulance arrived along with a swarm of sirens. The paramedics got her in the ambulance and headed to Med.

About a half an hour later, Erin woke up. 

"Why am I at the hospital?" She asked wearily.

"When paramedics got to you, you barely had a pulse. You have a broken rib. At least I'm sure you do, we'll have to wait till we take you in for x-rays to confirm it. I'll be back in an hour or so." The doctor stated. As he walked out, Will walked in.

"I really wish Jay could be here, but in his absence, I'll have to be here for you. Is that okay?" Will sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"Yeah, I mean, why not? Jay probably told you to do this, didn't he? To watch over me?" Erin asks.

"Yeah, he told me to, and he said if you're not in one piece when he gets back...well, things wouldn't be good for me then." Will laughed.

"I miss him. I miss him so much," Erin stated, turning her head away.

"It's okay to miss him, he'll be back before you know it." Will comforted her.

"Do you mind if I get some rest? You know, before they come to take me for x-rays."

"That's fine. I'll be working, so if you need me, just tell a nurse to page me and I'll be right here next to you." Will hugged her.

"Thanks." Erin stated shutting her eyes.

Unfortunately, the doctor came back earlier than an hour, so Erin barely got any rest.

"So we have to ask you a couple questions before you go in. "Are you on any medications?"

"No," Erin stated.

"Have you had any past injuries that could possibly interfere with any procedures during the x-rays?"

"No, none specifically that I can recall." Erin answered.

"Are you pregnant?"

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