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Sorry it's a day late. But did y'all hear Sophia Bush isn't returning. I just found out today. Very saddening. I might go die in a hole. Well anyway, I haven't chosen a name so if you haven't sent one it yet, hurry it up because I'm extending the time. Remember both boy and girl. Thanks! Enjoy!

Jay left, the door shutting behind him. He stopped outside her door for a moment and thought. He turned back around and went back inside.

The sound of the door shutting crushed Erin's heart, but the sound of it re-opening surprised her.

"Erin, you're strong. Don't ever say you aren't. You're brave and you're so out of my league it's not even funny. But Erin, leaving for good would be a choice I'd regret, so I'm not going to leave, I'm gonna stand right next to you and hold your hand through this crazy thing called life. I told you I loved you and I meant what I said. I love you and I'm not leaving," Jay kissed her.

"We can't, Jay. We just got divorced," Erin pushed away.

"I vowed to love you, Erin. I vowed to be with you for better or for worse, I vowed, Erin. I love you."

"You broke that vow when you filed for divorce," Erin sat down.

"I know," Jay sank to his knees, "but I'm here now. I promise. Erin, I still love you, and that was a spur of the moment decision. I was angry, furious that you wouldn't listen to me, but I'm here now."

"But you weren't then. Jay, we can't be on and off. That's what our relationship has always been and it can't be like that. We have to be steady for this to work, and we've never been steady and we never will be. Jay, we can't be together. We're done, Jay. For good." Erin turned away from him.

"What if I promised we could be steady?" Jay asked.

"You can't. It involves both of us and I don't believe that we can do that and I don't believe we will work. So you can be there for Kota, and this baby, but you can't be there for me," Erin led him to the door. "Go, please."

"But Erin...," Jay started.


"I'm gonna fight for us, I will show you we can work. I'll fight for you."

"Goodbye, Jay."

Jay left and sat in his car outside the apartment for a few hours. He didn't know what to do.

Erin sat in her apartment, crying because she knew it had to be done, she just didn't want to do it so soon. When she heard a knock on the door she got up and ran over to it.

Opening, she saw Burgess standing there. More tears streamed down Erin's face.

Burgess immediately pulled her into a hug, "it'll be okay."

"No, Kim. It's just the damn hormones. I hate pregnancy hormones," Erin wiped her eyes.

"I guess I'll be dealing with those pretty soon," Burgess laughed.

Erin looked at her and smiled, "Congratulations! I assume it's Adam's?"

"It is. I haven't told him yet. Seeing as I just found out this morning. But tell me, what's going on? Why are you crying?"

"Jay and I are done."

"Isn't that what the divorce was supposed to mean?" Kim asked, confused.

"Yeah, but officially now. I told him there is no chance. I don't believe in us anymore and that it's over forever," Erin explained.


"So, can I offer you some... ginger ale?" Erin laughed.

"I guess I'm pretty limited now, eh?"

"Just a wee bit," they both laughed together.

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