Ice Cream!

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They went in for an ultrasound, another ultrasound they've done multiple times before, but this time they'd get to learn the gender of their baby! Was it a boy, or perhaps a girl?

When the doctor asked, "would you like to know the sex of your baby?" They both stopped. They looked at each other with weird faces and knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"No, we'd like to wait." Erin stated as Jay gave her an approving nod.

"Okay, that's cool! Great! Now if you could just take a seat, we can get started." The doctor explained.

After the ultrasound, they headed to the car and headed back home.

"Wait, I'm gonna stop by the store real quick, grab something to eat, is that fine or do you want me to take you home first?" Jay asked with a soft, smooth voice.

"As much as I'd love to go with you, I think I'd like to be at home." Erin admitted.

"That's okay, I think I can manage getting some food." Jay stated.

When they arrived at the apartment, Erin headed up and plopped down onto the couch. Within seconds, she was fast asleep.

She widened her eyes and sat up when she heard the door opening. 

"Babe, you okay? I'm back." Jay stated.

"Yeah, I thought, never mind. What'd ya get?" Erin asked, standing.

"Well, for my 8 month pregnant wife... I got," Jay started, "Ice cream." He pulled it out of the bag. "And a spoon of course," he pulled out of the drawer.

"And that is why I married you!" Erin smiled, snatching the container and sitting back down.

"You're not gonna share?" Jay frowned.

"Nope, all mine!" Erin teased. "Fine... you can have some."

"No, I need to lay off anyways, I'm getting a little on the chubby side..." Jay lifted his shirt to reveal is rock hard abs. "At least I'm not as big as you." He chuckled.

"Ha, ha, well when you're up at 3 in the morning taking care of the baby and I'm sleeping soundly in bed, you're gonna wish you didn't say that." Erin joked.

Jay sat down next to her, "I wouldn't care." 

"Wouldn't care about what?" Erin asked, confused.

"I wouldn't care about waking up at 3 and taking care of our beautiful baby. As long as I know you both are healthy I'd wake up at 3 everyday. I can't wait til I get to wake up at 3 to take care of our baby," Jay put his arm around her.

"I'll be right next to ya, that's where I want to be." Erin leaned into his chest and took a couple bites of her ice cream. "Jay, I'm scared." Erin looked up at him.

"I am too, but hey, it's just a baby. We've handled so much more than that. Murders, homicides, kidnappings. Everything. I think we can handle a baby." Jay comforted her.

"But we don't handle it. We take care of it. And for the first two decades of my life, I wasn't so good at that. So how am I supposed to guide our child through hers or his first two decades?" Erin stared at her ice cream.

"Faith. Trust. Hope. Have faith that we'll get through this. Have trust that we can take care of it, and hope our child is an angel and doesn't put us through hell." Jay smiled. "Erin, you're the strongest, bravest, most courageous woman I've ever met. You can do this. If anyone can, it's you, and you've always got me to lean on. If it's any consolation, I'm scared too, but I know this isn't the end of the world, it's just the beginning of it." Jay put his hand over her stomach and kissed her forehead. "We're gonna be the best parents in the world. I promise."

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