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About a week ago I said I might not be on Wattpad for a while but as I was taking my little break I realized that writing is my "calling". It calms me and makes me feel at peace. I enjoy it and once I finished this, I had to update it because I knew I couldn't hold out on you guys any longer because then that would mean that I can't read all of your wonderful comments. Sorry for ditching you, but I'm back for good.

Weeks later

Erin walked into work and sat down in her usual seat across from her ex-husband and father of her children. She got up and went into the break room. Jay followed.

"Jay, how are you doing? I haven't talked to you since the wedding?" Erin asked.

"I'm good, better now. I decided to take a little time for myself to figure out what I wanted, and what I want is you. I'm gonna fight for you and I'm gonna fight for us and our family. We are meant to be," Jay explained closing the door.

"I'm with Mike."

"Well you belong with me and I can't sleep until your in my arms."

"Jay," she paused trying to figure out what to say or do, "if we do this, we have to start over, we can't jump back into this. I need a little time and you need to give me a little space and then we can try to make this work. For Kota and Lyn."

"For Kota and Lyn," he repeated quietly to himself as he walked over to the door.

"Jay, wait," she exclaimed walking over to him. "I've been wanting and waiting to do this for a long time," she said before kissing him.

"What was that for?" Jay asked, smiling.

"That was because I haven't kissed you in so long and I needed to remember what it was like."

They both left the break room smiling and happy.

That night, Erin went over to Jay's house but lied to Mike about where she was going.

"Hey," Jay greeted.

"Hey," Erin entered his apartment.

"So, Erin, I was thinking..." Jay started.

"You seem to be doing a lot of that lately, is it a new thing you're trying out?"

"Yeah, a little. I think we should elope."

"Just come right out and say it, huh?" Erin joked.

"No seriously, I think we should."

"Jay...," Erin froze.

"I'm not hearing a no," Jay stated.

"You aren't hearing a yes either," Erin responded.

"So it's a no?" Jay asked.

"It's an I don't know yet," Erin replied.

"So what you're saying is there's a chance," Jay fooled around.

"Yes," Erin smiled.

"Yes to there being a chance or yes to eloping?"

"Both," Erin kissed him.

"Now?" Jay asked.


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